10 Bed Time Moral Short Stories For Kids

Why do we read Bed time moral short stories in our daily routine?

The moral is very important in life. It is believed that if you read good stories before sleeping, then the things learned will sit in your unconscious mind and which is also visible in your work efficiency.

Bed Time Moral Short Stories

Bed Time Moral Short Stories

Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Lazy Camel

One camel was very lazy. He just wanted all his daily needs to be fulfilled sitting in one place.

One day Lord came out from the place where the camel was lying. Seeing the Lord, he begged him that his neck should be made a hundred times longer so that he could sit at one place and eat distant fodder and he did not have to make any special effort to get food.

At first Lord was a little angry after listening to her absurd request, but then after thinking about something, he fulfilled this wish of the camel.

Now the camel would sit in one place and from there it would get food by turning its neck in different directions. The summer days passed like this.

After that the time of rain came, so now the camel felt that where should it hide such a big neck? After searching for a long time, he saw a cave. The camel put its neck inside the cave to take shelter from the rain. The cave belonged to a lion. As soon as the lion saw the neck of the camel, he was pleased. He had found the prey in his cave without any effort. Seeing the lion, the camel tried to turn its neck, but by the time he could get it out, the lion had already hunted it.

The lazy and the indolent meet such bad ends.

Learning from eagle

Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Be Self-Reliant

An eagle made his young children sit on his back and then carried them with him to another safe place. Both of them kept munching grains all day and returned home in the evening. This went on for many days. After a few days, when the children grew up, Eagle said – “Children, now you have grown up, try to fly with your own wings.”

But the children did not pay heed to him. They started talking quietly among themselves. “Father always takes us to safety by carrying us on the back. Why should we work so hard?”

Eagle kept watching this weakness of the children very carefully. One day when they were flying in the sky, the eagle slowly pulled his wings. The children started falling. When they regained consciousness, they flapped their wings. They kept falling. But now they felt the need to learn to fly.

In the evening, the kids said to their mother, “Mom, if we had not fluttered our wings today,

father would have killed us in the middle.”

The mother of the children laughed and said – “Son! Those who do not learn on their own, do not become self-reliant, this is the rule to teach them. Children should leave the support of their parents and gradually make a habit of doing their own work. It’s their goodness.”


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Work Sensibly-Greedy Parrot

Two birds lived in a forest. At one end of that forest there was a tree, which bore delicious fruits once a year. When the season of fruits came, those two birds of the forest planned to go there.

In this context the first bird said to the second bird – ‘That tree is far away from here, so I will reach there easily. The fruit season will be two months. On this matter the other bird got excited and said – ‘No friend! I am not going to stay. My mouth waters just thinking about those delicious fruits. That’s why I want to reach there in one flight and eat sweet fruits.’

So the next day both the birds came out of their nests and flew towards that tree. After going some distance, the first bird started getting tired, so it stopped on a branch of a tree to rest.

On the other hand, the other bird smiled seeing him standing still and started flying fast towards the fruits. Although he too was feeling tired, he was in a hurry to eat the fruit. That’s why he kept flying without stopping. Now he could see a fruit tree from a distance. The smell of fruits also started coming to him, but only then his wings faltered; Because he was very tired. He fell from the sky to the ground. His wings were shattered and he could never reach those fruits.

“On the other hand, the first bird which was coming intermittently reached the fruits with ease. Then it ate the delicious fruits to its heart’s content.”

One learns from this. That we can achieve our goal only by walking one step at a time. At the same time, as much as the effort and labor is important to reach the goal, rest is equally important. Taking rest gives us relief from the fatigue of the road. And also get energy to move forward. The result of over enthusiasm and greed can be harmful. That’s why enthusiasm should be maintained to reach the destination, but one should not lose control in over-enthusiasm.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Foolish Disciple

A Magician had achieved the achievement of making gold rain from the sky and also taught it to his most beloved disciple, but once in a year when a certain constellation arose, only then that experiment could be done.

One day both were going on a journey when they met thieves on the way. Thieves caught both of them. The Magician was left to collect thousand currency from somewhere, then that young man would be released. The Magician said softly to the disciple – “Don’t worry, the constellation is going to come soon, don’t sleep. I will bring the money you asked for but don’t use it in a hurry, otherwise, you will lose your life.”

That constellation rose on the second day itself. The young man lost patience and faith. He said to the thieves – ‘Open me. I will now shower gold coins through mantras. Take some coin, give me some.”

The thieves agreed. They opened him. The young man experimented and it started raining gold. They tied the young man again and took the all gold.  The young man kept pleading that now leave me, the thieves took all the gold and left.

On the way there came another big bad group of those thieves. When he saw the gold, he got ready to snatch it. The previous thieves told everything and asked the young man to rain gold. The thieves caught the young man, but the constellation had gone out, and he could not make it rain, so he killed him by calling him a liar.

Now the two groups of thieves started fighting. In that battle, one man from both parties survived. All the rest were killed. Both decided to rest during the night. We Will go at night and try to matter settled. Both went to each village to get food and wine. Both brought poison mixed into their food and both died after eating and drinking it.

When the old magician returned with a thousand rupees, he saw that everyone was dead. He left that money and ran empty-handed that the free money should not kill me like these people.

All these misfortunes are caused by greed.

We should understand it very well and give importance to the earnings of hard work.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Nailed-It

Once there was a dispute between determination, strength, and creativity as to who should get the credit for the success. All three were telling themselves the most important. Ultimately it was decided that justice should be done by following the shelter of Conscience.

To solve this, Conscience asked the three to go with him and took a sharp nail and hammer in his hand. While walking they reached a place where a boy was playing. Conscience said to the child – “Son! If you straighten this crooked nail with a hammer, I will reward you.” The boy’s eyes lit up on hearing the name of the award. He determinedly tried to hammer the nail, but the nail was far from being straight, it did not even move the hammer. Seeing this, Conscience  said – “Resolve alone is futile for success.”

When Conscience went ahead with them, he found a laborer sleeping. Conscience put the same condition in front of him as well, but the laborer had slept after working hard a while back. He put the hammer aside and said- “He does not wish for the prize, he wants to rest for the time being.” Conscience  concluded – “Force alone is not enough for success.”

After this, all four went ahead. On walking ahead, he found an artist. Conscience requested the artist to straighten the nail and put the same condition in return. The artist placed the nail on the sandy ground and hit it with a hammer. The nail did not become straight, but everyone’s eyes were filled with sand. Now Conscience  said- “Creativity alone is also not enough to achieve success.

Determination, strength, and creativity – success is achieved only by the combined efforts of all three.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Who is great?

There used to be a state in the central region of India. A saint was living for years in his hut built on the bank of a river passing through the middle of that kingdom.

His fame kept on increasing with time. Many householders used to get solutions to their family problems from him and then used to perform their duties. The king of that state also desired to meet that saint. The king had many such questions in his mind, whose answers he wanted to get from that saint. At last one day, the king came to the hut of that saint.

The king bowed to him and took his seat. The saint inquired about his well-being and also wanted to know the reason for coming. The king in response asked, “Sir! Is there any man in the kingdom who is virtuous and is greater in qualities?’

The saint said in reply – “Why not? One is you yourself; because you are curious to solve the problem and I consider the person who is a learner to be great.”

“I may be great in your eyes, but I want to see another great man who is greater than me,” the king remarked.

The saint said – “Then I am that person.”

The king again said – “I want to see a man even greater than you. Please take me to him.”

The saint looked at the king for a moment and said, “King, we do not need to get up and go anywhere. We will find hundreds of great men around us, only we have to look at them with that vision. Just look at the old lady, what is she doing?”

The king said, “Some time ago she was planting trees, giving water to the plants and now she is digging a well with a spade.” she will not be survived till that plant becomes a tree, and bears fruit. Neither will she be able to eat the fruits of those trees, nor will she be able to drink the water of that well.” – The king asked this saint.

Saint said – “King, you are right, why does she need to accomplish all of this at the age of leaving the world?”.  Saint replied. But King! Those who sacrifice their lives uninterestedly for others, are truly great.

The king really got a new vision of life from this sermon.  He left there thanking Saint and from that day onwards he got busy with his life for the happiness and prosperity of his people.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: False Friendship

Four friends lived on the banks of the river – Lizard, Mouse, Fox, and Goat. All four used to live together and used to laugh with each other. One day he felt like crossing the river and taking a walk. The tortoise also lived there. All four said – “We are true friends, brother. Turtle! If you carry all four of us on your back and cross the river, then you will be blessed.”

At first, the tortoise was reluctant, but he liked the idea of having true friends. He said, “If that’s the case, all four of you sit on my back, and I’ll take you across the river.”

All four tied the knot. The tortoise started walking. After walking some distance, he said, “The weight is too much, one of you will have to get down. I can’t carry it.”

The mouse pushed the lizard into the water. After walking some distance, told them about another one’s landing. The fox took the mouse into the water.

After walking some distance, there was an urge to get down one more. The goat was stronger than the fox, it pushed the fox into the middle of the stream. Only one goat was left. The tortoise said – “All four of you used to be true friends. Then everyone had to cross together.

When the process of pushing the weak by the strong is going on, then your friendship is false, isn’t it? I had promised to cross true friends.” Saying this, the tortoise took a deep dive and drowned the goat in the same way as the first three down.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: Lion and Deer

A deer, suffering from thirst, was running towards the pond. Then he saw that a king was targeting him.

The deer immediately stopped there and said – “King! Listen to my request before shooting. I am your target. You are the king and I am your people. Give me some time, All I want is that first I hand over my children to my husband then you hunt me.”

The king let him go. The deer went towards the house after drinking water. The deer went home and caressed her kids and told everything to her husband deer.

Her husband said – “Without you, it will not be possible to raise children. So you stay here, I will go instead of you.” On this, the deer said, ‘I am committed. I have promised the king to return.’

After listening to the parents, the children started saying – “You both stay here, we will go instead of you.”

When no decision was taken, all four approached the king. The deer narrated the whole incident to the king.

When the king saw the pride of keeping the promise of the deer and his family, he was ashamed. He realized that the animals and birds of his kingdom are also his subjects, so it is his responsibility to protect them. He released all four and then decided not to commit violence again.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: King Frederick Lesson

Emperor Frederick of Germany became worried after knowing that the economic condition of his country was becoming increasingly pathetic.

When the treasury was very low, he called the officials of his state for discussion one day and asked them – “What is the reason for the treasury being empty?”

As soon as this question was asked in the court, there was silence and everyone started looking at each other’s faces.

An experienced General Secretary present among those officers told the emperor that he was ready to answer this question. Having said this, he picked up a piece of ice from a cup on the table and gave it to the person sitting next to him, saying, “Give it to the person sitting next to you.” In no time, this piece of ice passed through many hands and reached the emperor’s hand. By the time it reached there, it had reduced to a quarter of its size.

The emperor asked- “The piece of ice has become smaller by the time it comes here. What do you want to say through this?”

The old General Secretary clarified his intention and said- “King! Just as this piece of ice passing through many hands remained a quarter of its original weight before reaching your hands, similarly the amount of tax collected from the subjects passed through many hands. Due to this only a quarter remains till it reaches the government treasury.

The emperor understood what the old general minister said and taking tough decisions, he started the retrenchment of corrupt employees. Within a few days, the treasury started increasing.


Bed Time Moral Short Stories: King and Egoist Police

King Vikramaditya often used to go on foot in disguise to know the internal condition of his country. One day while roaming around, he reached a city, but he did not know the way there. The king proceeded in search of some person to ask the way.

Next, he saw a policeman. The king went to him and asked- “Sir, please tell me the way to go to such a place.”

The Havildar haughtily said – “You don’t see fool, I am a government official, my job is not to show the way. Go away and ask someone else.”

The king humbly asked, “If a government man can also tell the way to a traveler, then there is little harm. I will ask someone else, but tell me what position you work in.”

The Havildar said wriggling further – “Are you blind, seeing my uniform, doesn’t recognize who I am?

King said- “Perhaps you are a police constable.”

He said – “No, higher than that.”

King “Then you may be the Lance Naik?”

Havildar – “Even higher than that.”

King “Havaldar?”

Havildar “Yes, now you know who I am, but tell me what do you mean by inquiring so much and who are you?”

The king said – “I am also a government man.”

The Havildar’s convulsion subsided a bit, he asked – “Are you a Lance Naik?”

The king said – “No, higher than that.”

Havildar – “Then are you a havildar?”

King “higher than that.”

Havildar “Inspector?”

King “higher than that”.

Havildar “Superintendent?”

King – “Higher than that.”

Havaldar – ” Director General”.

King “higher than that”.

Now the havaldar started getting nervous, he asked – “Then you are the minister?”

The king said “Brother. Just one more step is left.”

When the havaldar looked carefully, in a plain dress, King Vikramaditya is standing in front. The constable’s senses were blown, he fell at the feet of the emperor begging and began to humbly apologize for his crime.

The king said in a sweet voice – ‘Brother! You may be anything in terms of position, but you are very low on the test of behavior. If you want to become high, first be a human, be tolerant and humble, and reduce your anger; Because you are the servant of the public, therefore you have this special responsibility.” The biggest test of human dignity is humility and egolessness.

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Some asked query about Bed Time Moral Short Stories

Do Bedtime Stories Help Babies Fall Asleep Faster?

Listening to bedtime stories can help children calm down, making it easier for them to fall asleep. While listening story, the children’s mind does not run here and there, due to which their mischief is reduced and the body feels comfortable as a result children fall asleep immediately.

Why are bedtime stories important?

Bedtime stories help children to wind down before bed. It provides opportunities for parents and children to develop strong love connections.

At what age should children be told bedtime stories?

Children should start listening to bedtime stories from a very young age. Chicks are the first to recognize their parent’s voices, so the children listen carefully to these voices. As children grow up, bedtime stories are useful in developing their imagination and creativity.

Are there any disadvantages of bedtime stories?

There is no major disadvantage if parents take care of a few things.
Some stories may contain content that may not be suitable for all children, so parents need to choose the stories based on the kind of person they want their children to be.

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