20 Inspirational & Motivational Stories For Kids

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Motivational Stories For Kids

Motivational Stories For Kids

Garfield, the great father of the President of America

The days were summer. The Sun had ascended the sky when the forest of the village of Orange in America caught fire.
Here the wind of the warm air increased, and there the flames started moving toward the village. It appeared that within a few moments the fire would cover the whole village and burn it down.

The frightened villagers ran away with what they found. Avram Garfield was surrounded by his wife, Ajila, a daughter, and a son, saying “Dad! The whole village is deserted, now we must leave the village soon.”

He said- “Children! Come, let us all try together and put out that fire, behold, this property of lakhs of villagers will be burnt to ashes in a moment. It is not right to leave the village at such a time that all the happiness will be destroyed, we should fight these dreaded flames.”

Son said – “Dad!, those who had their house, wealth, and property, all ran away, then why should we have to Worry? We don’t have anything, if we have a house, it will burn with everyone, we will build another, but we will not get into the tragedy of this death. Let’s not delay now, from here we all run away. The wife and daughter also supported the son’s point of view.

But there was no effect on Abram, Calmly he said- “Son. What you are saying, this is not the language of human beings. Man lives for others, not for himself. If we consider the problems from the point of view of narrow selfishness, then what is the meaning of being an intellectual creature? If others fall from their goals and cannot serve their neighbor, their village, or their nation in the hour of crisis, then we should not imitate them. To protect greatness, we must perform our duty.”

The four advanced with a spade, axe, and shovel in their hands and fought the flames. This battle went on all day. Someone’s hand was scorched, someone’s face was clothed and thorns entered their feet, but the battle between nature and human effort continued. In the end, courage prevailed. By the time the sun went down, the whole fire was under control.

All the villagers returned home. Avrum Garfield, scorched in flames, lay down to unwind in the air. Garfield’s condition worsened, and the victor who fought like a brave warrior all day finally left this world at midnight. But his saga did not die then and neither now. The future will also remember him with pride.

James Garfield, the son of Avram Garfield, became the President of America one day.


Frog and Swan

For years a frog lived in a well. His ancestors also once lived in the same well. In this way, this frog was also living in that well as an inheritance from his ancestors.
In the well, all the activities like feeding, feeding, stomach, reproduction, etc. would go on. Living in this world of the well, the frog had grown up now.
It was raining heavily for a few days. Pools and rivers were all flooded with water. By luck, a swan flying from somewhere far away came and sat on the ridge of the same well. Suddenly his eyes fell on the frog playing with the water in the well. Their eyes met and they were introduced.

The swan had seen frogs many times before now, but the frog was seeing a swan for the first time in its life. That’s why seeing the swan got curious in his mind too. Swan was polite and courteous. He greeted the frog and the conversation started between the two. Swan asked- “Frog friend! How long have you been living in this well?” The frog also proudly said – “Our ancestors used to live in this well, I was born here and I have been living here since then.”

Swan asked again- “Have you ever seen the world outside this well?” The frog said, “What world? For me, this is the world.” The frog was surprised to hear that there could be a world other than this well. The frog said to the swan “You must have got some illusion, so you are talking about a world other than the well.”

The swan said – “No friend! You have not really enjoyed this life, because you have not yet seen the real world.” The frog did not like this thing. He said- “What pleasure are you talking about? I get all the happiness in this well. What is the lack of amenities and facilities in this well of mine? The pleasure of eating various kinds of insects.” My children and my wife are all living happily here, then what world are you talking about?”

To find out how big the world the swan is talking about, the frog made a jump and asked the goose- “Is your world bigger than mine?” Hans replied- “Yes! It is bigger than that.” Then the frog made another high jump again. The swan said again – “Yes! The world is bigger than this. The frog had no more patience and he even made his highest jump with all his might. This time he was sure where the swan must have seen such a big world before now.

Wanting to hear his favorable answer, the frog looked at the swan, but what is it? The swan gave the same answer this time as well and then lovingly explained to the frog “Friend! The world that you are thinking of as the cause of bliss is just your illusion. What you are thinking of as bliss is just your ignorance. If you want to feel real bliss, come out of this little well and walk with me. I’ll show you the real world.”

Now the frog too had confidence in the swan, so he also agreed to walk. He rode on the back of the swan. Suddenly the swan took off. As the swan’s flight got higher, the frog became more bewildered. Hey! Such a big world! So many rivers! Such a big ocean! Such great earth! The sky is so high! So many creatures! So many trees! Aha! What a beautiful world it is! How much charm, what beauty there is here! How much joy, how much freedom. here! What freedom, what freedom is here! He got this good fortune because of the swan.


Stay Away from Stupid People

Many owls used to live on a tree. Coincidentally a swan came and sat on that tree. When it was daytime, the swan said, “Today there is a lot of light because the Sun is in its intense form.” Hearing this, the owl said – “What does light have to do with the sun?”

The swan explained to the owls- “Sun illuminates the whole world and also gives us warmth.” But the owls did not understand the words of the swan. The owls asked for mediation to clear their doubts. Bats were called in as an intermediary.

The bat had not seen the light at all. He said to the swan, ‘Where did you get this new thing from? What is light? What does this have to do with the Sun? You stop your silly nonsense.” When the swan tried to reason with him, the bats and the owl pounced on the swan. The swan somehow managed to escape.

The flying swan said- “Even if the truth does not get the majority, the truth remains the truth, but if the majority is of fools, then a wise man should not try to convince them. This only destroys his energy.”


Unity in Diversity-Anekta Mein Ekta

There was a dense forest. There were many pig families in it. The attacking lion was only one. He would attack whenever he wanted and gobble up fat or weak pig. Other members of the herd ran hither and thither in panic, putting their feet on their heads.

One day the old pig gathered the tribesmen-all the families and said, “If you want to die, why not die bravely? If you want to live, why not live together?” Everyone liked the talk and they agreed to follow his advice.

The next day a group of solid pigs was formed and it was planned that without waiting for the attack, go to the lion’s den and attack it there. A new plan, new courage, and new hope boosted the spirits of the strong pigs. So they walked bravely and struck the lion sleeping in the den like lightning.

The lion had never faced such trouble before. He panicked and ran so fast to save his life that he could not even see who and how many the attackers were.

The frightened lion thought of the abode of ghosts in that forest and made his camp in the remote forest, deciding never to return there again.

Pig families began to live securely and enjoy forestry. Shrug, who lived in that area, while entertaining his children at night, narrated the story of the lion’s attack on the lion by the pigs and said, “It is not great power, but the intelligence, which the pigs got credit for adopting. Had to leave the state for no reason.”

That night was terrible. Stormy clouds had gathered over the mountains. It rained so much that the drains were filled and joined the river. The river started flowing rapidly through the valleys below. Its strong current engulfed everything. In this upheaval, a huge stone broke from a rock. Fell down in the middle of the road with a thud.

Benefit of Group Work

The night passed, and morning came. The bright sun came out in the sky. The dew drops started glistening on the leaves of the tree. The grass which was suppressed started raising its head again. In the meantime, a little boy appeared from the village. It was being pulled by two black bulls with pointed horns. A man sitting inside the cart was singing some hill folk song in his own tune. He was the shopkeeper of the village. Who was going to the city to buy goods for his shop? On reaching the turn, where the big stone was lying, he stopped the wheelbarrow. Actually, the stone had blocked the whole way. The river was flowing on the left side and the high rocks were standing on the right side.

At first, the shopkeeper kept scratching his head for a while sitting in the cart. Then got down and went to the stone. He tried many tricks to remove the stone, but the stone did not even move. It will not go away from me. He thought that he would have to wait for a man who was more powerful than me. Thinking this, he sat on the ground. He picked up a stick and started making flowers and leaves from it on the ground.

After a while, another cart reached there. It was loaded with firewood. The woodman said to the shopkeeper, “Hey brother, why have you kept your cart standing in the middle of the road?” Step it aside, so that I may pass. I’m in a hurry The shopkeeper said – If you are in a hurry, then first come here and remove this rock.

what kind of rock she asked in astonishment. Come here and see. It is lying in front of the sticks. The woodcutter got down and looked at the stone and then rolled up his sleeves and tried to move the stone left and right. But the stone did not move. It is not in his control, he said shaking his head, we will have to wait for some powerful man. He will clear our way. The woodman went and sat near the shopkeeper.

It was not too late that a horse-drawn carriage arrived there. He was very old, his waist was bent. He was lashing out at the horse with great recklessness. When he found out why the two carts were standing there, he got down from his cart, chatteringly, and walked around the stone for a while, then sat quietly beside them both.

After a while, two more came. They were laden with blankets and earthenware. Their owners were in a hurry to reach the market. When they came to know that the road was closed, they were very upset. One of them was very angry. To punish the stone, he started lashing it. Time kept on passing by Its afternoon. Now a whole convoy had gathered there. They kept testing their strength one after the other, but none of them could move the stone.

In the meantime, a monk wearing ocher clothes passed by. The people of the nearby hill villages knew him. Everyone bowed down to him with reverence. When he saw them all standing there, perplexed, he said, why don’t you use your intelligence? Sir, we need power, not intellect. One of them said, we have all tried to remove the stone, but far from removing it, we could not even move it.

Hearing his answer, the monk laughed a little and said, well now you all come together with me. Everyone came together after listening to him. After a while, the stone rolled down and fell into a deep ravine with a terrible sound and broke into pieces.

Everyone considered it a miracle of the monk. He started laughing after listening to their innocent words and then he said to all of them, this miracle is definitely there, but it is not mine, it is of the combined power of all of you.

The problems are of family or village society or of the nation and the world. If everyone will try together, then it will not take long to find a meaningful solution. Hearing the words of the monk, it seemed that the way has been cleared not only for the passing of his cart but also for the passage of life. They now understood that the need for solving problems is not a messiah, but a concerted effort, a united effort.


Biggest charity

Once Shri Krishna was praising Karna’s charity with a free voice. Arjun was unable to bear it. Lord Krishna knew Arjuna’s feelings and decided to make Arjuna aware of Karna’s charity.

One day a brahmin said to Arjuna “Dhananjay. My wife died, she said while dying that I should be cremated with sandalwood sticks, so can you give me sandalwood sticks?”

Arjuna said- “Why not?” He immediately ordered the treasurer to bring twenty-five minds of sandalwood, but that day there was neither sandalwood in the store nor in the market.

The treasurer came and expressed his inability. Arjuna also told the Brahmin about his helplessness.

The brahmin now reached Karna’s place. The situation was the same here too, but Karna immediately took out the sandalwood pillars from his palace and gave them to the Brahmin. His palace collapsed. The Brahmin performed the cremation of the wife.

In the evening, Shri Krishna and Arjun went out for a walk. I saw that the same Brahmin was doing prayer at the crematorium. On being asked, he told that Karna removed the pillars of his palace and removed my trouble, God bless him.

Now Shri Krishna said to Arjun – “Sandalwood pillars were there in your palace too, but you did not remember them.” Arjuna was ashamed to hear this.


Ant Sister

Two ants lived on the Vindhyachal mountain, one on the northern peak, the other on the southern peak. One had a house in a sugar mine, the other lived in a salt mine.

One day the sugar miner ant invited another ant – “Sister! Where are you lying in this salt mine? come to my place, there is a hill of sugar. Sweeten your mouth by eating and make your life happy.”

The second Ant accepted the invitation. Early in the morning, after taking a bath, she went to the house of the first Ant. The first Ant walked around showing her the sugar mine and said, “Sister! No matter how much sugar you eat, there is no shortage of anything here.”

The second Ant ran here and there throughout the day and went away saying to the first Ant in the evening – ‘Sister! You cheated me a lot. If you didn’t have sugar, why did you invite me?”

The saint and his disciple used to reside in a cottage nearby. The disciple asked – “Sir! Why didn’t the ant find sugar even after visiting the sugar mine?

The saint said – “The thing was that the ant was pressing a piece of salt in its mouth, due to which it could not feel the sweetness.

Similarly, those who do not change their old thought, and who do not remove their evils by self-practice remain deprived of success even though they are talented. The rule of discarding the old in order to gain the new is inevitable and immutable.”



Once an artist had an exhibition of his paintings. Many rich people of that city also reached to see that exhibition.

A girl was also among the people who came to see the exhibition. She saw that at the end of all the pictures there was also a picture of a man, who covered his mouth with hair. The man had feathers on his feet.

The painter had named that picture by the name of ‘Opportunity’. The picture was a bit ugly, so people looked at it and moved on, but the girl kept looking at the same picture carefully.

The painter was watching carefully that the girl’s attention was towards that picture. He went to that girl and asked her – “Daughter! What is attracting you in this picture?”

The girl asked in response – “Why have you covered this person’s face?”

The painter said – “Daughter! Opportunity comes in the life of every human being like this picture and also inspires him to move forward, but like this man, people keep sitting with their faces covered. And they lose the opportunity. Those who recognize the opportunity can do something in life.”

The girl asked – “What is the secret of the wings on its feet?”

The painter said – “The opportunity that has gone today, does not come back again. That’s why there is meaning in making good use of the opportunity.”

That girl understood the meaning of the painter’s saying and started moving forward on the path of her progress.


Dreamer King

A young man saw in a dream that he had become the king of a big kingdom. His happiness knew no bounds because of this sudden revelation he got in his dream.

In the morning, the father asked to go to work, the mother ordered to get the vegetable, and the wife requested to bring a grocery from the market, but the young man did not do any work and gave only one answer – “I am the king, how can I do any work.”

The family members were very surprised, what to do after all? Then his younger sister took command and called everyone one by one and made them eat. Dreamer King was left sitting alone. It was evening. He started shaking very much due to hunger. After all, when he was not left, he said to his sister – “Why won’t I get food?”

The sister said making a face, “Great king. Let the night come, if the fairies descend from the sky, they will present suitable food for you. Our dry food is not suitable for your royalty.”

The young man again said “No, I will eat this food. You bring this food for me.”

Sister said – “King! If you get angry after eating this food then you will be unnecessarily angry with the cooks. You will eat in your dreams only.”

Now the young man who wandered in vain fantasies gave up and realized that the man living on earth should not remain engrossed in meaningless worldly, but we should try to achieve goals and uphold the standard of living.

When the family realized that he had realized his mistake, then only he was given food.

Be Active

Philosopher Hikari lived in Tanwa in those days. Many people came to him for a consultation to solve complicated knots.

One day a man came to him along with his wife and started telling him everything about his wife’s laziness and miserliness. Both these evils were there in her. Hickory affectionately called the woman near. Holding a fist of one hand in front of her and asked – “If it remains like this forever, what will be the result?”
The wife whistled, but with courage, she said – “If this fist is always tied like this, then the hand will become useless and stiff.”

Hikari was very happy to hear this answer and kept the palm of the other hand completely open and then asked – “If this hand remains open like this, then what will be the fate of this hand, just tell me?”
The wife said- “In such a condition, this too will be useless by being locked.”

Hickory praised the woman very much and said – “She is intelligent as well as far-sighted. She knows very well the disadvantages of having a clenched fist and keeping her hands straight. Daughter! Using this wisdom in your life will also help her.” Happiness will increase in your life.”

A Husband and wife left after saluting. The girl noticed the words of the saint. He understood that if I remained in the same position and continued to act lazily, it would become stiff like a hand. He took to activism. Supporting her husband, she increased the family’s income saved and spent liberally for noble causes.

king in cave

Zeal and Effort are True Friends

King of Raigad had many enemies. One night the enemies joined the guard and went to the palace and made the king unconscious after smelling the medicine. After this, they tied the hands and feet of the king and took them to a mountain cave, and locked him.

When the king regained consciousness, he was horrified to see his condition. He murmured, What can I do anything in that dark cave to save myself? Only then he remembered a principle told by his mother, one should try to do something without getting nervous in any situation. The king’s despair went away and he broke the bonds of his hands and feet with all his might.

Then in the dark, his foot fell on a snake, which bit him. The king got scared again, but he again remembered the lesson given by his mother. He immediately took out a dagger from his waist and made an incision at the place where the snake had bitten him. He was horrified by the flow of blood, but then he remembered the principal. Gathering all his strength, he tore his cloth and tied it to the wound. The flow of blood stopped.

After passing so many obstacles, he was worried about getting out of that dark cave, then he again remembered that principle of his mother. The king groped in the dark to find out the entrance of the cave and used all his strength to remove the stone on the door.

The stone finally rolled after pushing with the zeal. And the king came out of the cave. In this way, if efforts are made instead of panic about getting stuck in any situation, some solution will surely emerge.

Disregard for small work in the temptation of big work

A very old woman had to do the work of carrying a load even in old age. He probably had no other way to make ends meet. Once she was standing on the side of the road in the hope that someone would help her lift her heavy bundle. Then a person passed by him on the same road. The old laborer pleaded for his help.
Some strange expressions appeared on the face of the person and he said, wrinkling his nose and eyebrows – “I don’t have time now, I have to do big work, become big.” And he moved on.

A short distance ahead, an old car driver, seeing his fit body, begged him to get the wheel of his car which was stuck in the mud.
He exclaimed – “Wow, wow! You are a big idiot! Why should I spoil my clothes? I have to do big things, be a big man.”

On moving a little further, he saw a blind old woman. On hearing his voice, he said to the person in a very pitiful manner- “Hey brother! Will you help me to reach the left-hand hut? You will be doing a great favor.”
The person said with a frown – “Have you lost your mind? You don’t know that I have to go to do a great job, to become a great man. I am in a hurry.”

While walking in this way, he reached the hermitage of Saint. Greeting him, he sat down beside him and said- “I have come Saint, you tell me, what service is there for me? What should I do for you?” His ego was being heard in these voices.

Saint looked at him and smiled lightly. With this smile, he asked – “Yes, you are the person, who had expressed his approval on my call to do great work in yesterday’s Prayer.”

“Yes Sir!” he said.

“It’s good, sit for a while. I am waiting for one more person. He too told me the same thing after the immersion in the prayer. But by now he should come. That’s the time he gave.” A look of waiting appeared on Saint’s face.

That person laughed out loud -” What can be expected from a person who does not even take care of time?”

Saint understood the sharpness of sarcasm hidden in his words and said – “Still we should wait for him for some time.”

Just then he came. He was breathing. His clothes were soaked in mud. He bowed down to the Saint and stood on one side with a humble attitude. Then Saint signaled him to sit and he sat down.

Saint himself said first – “Say! Perhaps you have been delayed a bit. How did this condition happen?”

other person replied, ‘Sir! I would have reached on time, but on the way, I was delayed in helping an old woman carrying a load, in taking the wheel of an old cart-man out of the mud, and in taking a blind old woman to her hut. I tried my best to reach you on time, I apologize for the delay.

Now the Saint smiled and looked at the person who came first and said in a decisive voice, Surely your path was the same from which it has come. You got opportunities to serve, but you ignored them. In the temptation of big work, you did not know that the combination of small things is big work.
The little ones are never despised for being big. The one who helps in lightening the burden of others, who helps one to get out of difficulties, and who helps one to reach the goal, is a great man. You give your own decision, can you be my helper in service work?

The first person who laughed was silent. He was speechless, he had no answer.

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