10 Best moral Story for Kids in English

Short List

1st Moral story for kids: Don’t misuse a talent to praise

moral story for kids

During the Mahmud kingdom, almost every king  kept a poet in his court. Who used to sing songs of his valor and generosity.

Hearing his song of praise, the King Maharaja was very pleased and used to give prizes to the poets. In a way, it had become a business.

There was also a poet in the famous court of King Mahmud, whose name was Sanai. Sanai used to write poems and songs of a high order, but they were all in praise of the King. In return, he was honored with numerous awards and honors, prestige, and awards.

This is a onetime event. He wrote some poems in praise of the King. He went to court to hear them. There was a liquor shop on the way, his attention would hardly have gone towards it. Suddenly his feet stopped that day. The reason was that some voice was coming from inside, some drunken fellow was saying – “Give a glass in the name of King Mahmud’s blindness”.

“Idiot” – the bartender was saying, “You will be in trouble if anyone listens. Why are you feasting on your death.” “What sign of blindness did you see in the King?”

“Seen a lot”, said the drinker – “the king has no shortage to live happily, he has wealth, then he sees nothing.” To garner him, he attacks neighboring kingdoms. , robs there, and kills thousands of innocent people. If this isn’t blind, then what is?”

Sanai stood here and started thinking about something. Again the same voice came from inside, “Give another mirror on Sana’s stupidity.”

Now the bartender got irritated. Sanai’s ears also stood up to listen attentively, the bartender was saying – “What nonsense, for a good poet like Sanai, you are not ashamed to say this.

Sanai is a very good poet, the drinker was saying “But even such a fool will not be found in the world. He does not know what gift God has given him, he is spending his capacity in praising the blind king.”

Hearing these words of drunkard, which Saki thought was just nonsense, Sanai’s eyes opened. As his heart began to prick, he was back on his feet. The poem he had composed in praise of the King, teared it on the way of home.

What you learn from first moral story for kids

2nd Moral story for kids: Shame on such wealth

moral story for kids

Once Goddess of wealth came to earth. She called the people of the nearby areas and said “I am Lakshmi. I have come to give the desired boon to the people of this area. Ask whatever you want.” Information was also given about the day on which the boon would be received. Time was given so that as many people as possible could get the information so they can reach on time and get the desired benefits.

All the people in that area did the business of agriculture. Earth also got this news. He gathered all his farmer sons and explained that you should not fall into the trap of getting free wealth. Keep working hard. I will not leave you in any absence.

No one accepted this advice. All were eager to get bountiful wealth without hard work. They didn’t stop. At the appointed time, lakhs of people appeared in front of Lakshmi. The visitors went on receiving arbitrary money. Goddess of wealth fulfilled the wish of everyone who asked.

She returned to heaven by doing as many wishes as she could. People should not be blown away after getting huge wealth. They started enjoying that wealth freely and many more areas got ruined.

There was no shortage of money among the farmers. They started consuming it arbitrarily. stopped farming, and Plow-bull sold. Why get into the hassle of hard work? Everyone became disinterested in their business. When there is a lot of wealth in hand, then what is the need to work hard?

Everyone stopped farming. The stored warehouse’s food began to run out. Inflation started rising and within a few years, the situation came to such a point that inflation reached its peak. Even after spending money, a famine-like situation arose without getting food.

Wealth boxes were full, but grains were not available. Due to a lack of means to quench hunger, people started dying of hunger. Being weak and suffering from diseases, he started giving up his life. Within no time most of the people in that area died of hunger. Those who survived migrated to areas with better conditions. The area became vacant. The animals were already dead. The area was also emptied of humans. The thieves took away the wealth.

No matter how small the evil, its consequences are direct. It is neither good for the individual nor for society. Evil only increases with evil and makes society down.

This story is useful even in today’s circumstances. Laxmi’s longing has made a person a consumerist by turning away from farming and he has turned away from nature, so that the result may be that in the coming days, we miss our greenish earth and the means of quenching hunger will not be available.

3rd Moral story for kids: Cocky Mountain


The mountain standing in front of the house for many generations has challenged nearby people “Does any mother’s son have power in hand to remove me from my place?

Some heard this boast of the mountain, some did not. Someone unheard even after listening, but an old farmer sitting in the house in front thought – if the mountain was removed from this place, the land would have come out for cultivation, and children would have been nourished.

He stroked his beard, and called out to the family members. Hearing the father’s voice, all the boys and grandsons came out of the house and said –  Tell me, what is the order?”

Pointing, the old man said – “Children! That mountain is visible, it is standing surrounded by so much land. If we try, we can remove it from its place. One or two, not four days, until it is removed. If you don’t take a rest, you can definitely dig up the mountain and get flat land.

The children liked the enthusiastic words of the old farmer. He said-‘ ‘Yes Father! We will remove it?”

“Then don’t delay, let’s get started now.” The old man said to the children, wishing for victory.

Everyone gathered with spade and axe but the problem arose that where to dig such a big mountain and put debris.

When the old farmer saw them getting discouraged, he said – “We will have to walk a little, but we can throw thousands of mountains like this into the sea.”

The children now gathered with double enthusiasm and dug up the proud mountain and threw it into the sea.

4th Moral story for kids: Fool Donkeys


Donkeys lived in a forest. Living with complete freedom, eating and drinking on a full stomach, and having fun. A fox makes a joke with a donkey. He hung his face and said to the donkeys – “I am dying of worry and you are having fun like this. I don’t know how big a crisis has reached my head?”

The donkeys said – “Sister, what happened, at least tell me.”

The fox said- “I have come by hearing with my ears and seeing with my eyes. The fish have formed an army and they are about to attack you. How will it be possible for you to stand in front of them?”

The donkeys were frightened and thought. He thought that what is the use of losing life in vain? Let’s go somewhere else. Leaving the forest, they started towards the village.

Seeing these frightened donkeys, the washer man of the village gave him a lot of hospitality. He gave a place in his shed and tied it with a peg around his neck and said – “There is no need to be afraid. I will deal with the fishes. You stay in my enclosure without any fear. Only my little burden will have to be carried.”

This ignorance, and wrong things are prevalent in the public mind today. People like to become paralyzed like donkeys. They prefer to remain locked in the shackles of delusional beliefs.

5th Moral story for kids: Do not Stop


There were two-grain seeds, they somehow fell on the ground. The soil covered them. Both slept soundly at night. When both of them woke up in the morning, one’s sprouts burst and he started rising up.

Seeing this, the little seed said – “Brother, don’t go up there. There is a lot of fear. People will trample you, kill you.”

The seed kept listening and kept rising up silently. Slowly crossing the layer of the earth came out and started smiling seeing the beauty outside. The sun took an incense bath and the wind blew the fan, the rain came and the cold water was given, and the farmer came and went around.

The seed went on growing. The swinging, swaying, flourishing seed one day became a complete plant, containing innumerable seeds. When he departed from this world, leaving behind innumerable seeds like himself, he left laughing and feeling self-satisfaction.

The seed buried inside the soil was repenting seeing that I had created this condition of mine out of fear and thinking only of myself. I remained to lie where I was, and my brother attained innumerable prosperity.

Everyone should have the urge to move forward. By developing day by day with enthusiasm, a person becomes big and great.

6th Moral story for kids: Power of Money


Abdul Abbas was a good-hearted person. He used to make a living by weaving caps and selling them. By selling the cap, he would get two paise, out of which he used to live for himself and kept one paise to help the needy.

One day a rich man reached their hut. He had heard a lot about their good intentions. He told them- “He wants to donate his money to some needy, but how will he know that this person is of pure intention.”

Abdul Abbas said -” Friend, you don’t need to worry about that. The intention with which money is earned goes to the person with the same intention.”

The rich man was surprised to hear that he asked Abbas – “How is that?”

Abdul Abbas said – “Do this so that you take your money and my hard-earned penny and donate it. After a day go to see who used that money for what?”

The rich man left with his five rupees and one paisa of Avyas. He gave his five rupees to a lame beggar and gave Abdul’s money to a man standing by the roadside.

The next day when he was returning to meet Abdul’, he saw that the lame beggar was lying unconscious on the side of the road and his other leg was also hurt. On inquiry, it came to know that the beggar had lost the money he got from drinking alcohol.

Now the rich man was curious that what would the other person have done with the money. When he reached his house looking for him, the man started falling at his feet with his child. When asked, he told – “His child was sick a day ago and he did not have money for medicine. With the money he got, he got his sick child treated and today that child has recovered.”

Hearing this, the rich man came to know the secret of the hidden meaning behind the motive of money.

7th Moral story for kids: Anger is true enemy


There is a story in the Mahabharata that once Sri Krishna, Balarama, and Satyaki set out on a journey, but before reaching the destination it was night and they decided to spend the night in a forest.

The forest was thick and terrible. So all three together decided that they would guard in turn. It was Satyaki’s turn to wake up in the first hour and the hour had just begun when a demon attacked Satyaki. Satyaki was famous for his bravery, so he got angry at the audacity of the demon. But the more Satyaki fought with that demon in anger, the bigger his body became, finally Satyaki accepted defeat from that demon after getting tired.

After Satyaki, it was Balram’s turn to guard and the incident was repeated with him as well. At last, when Lord Krishna’s turn came, the demon attacked him as before, but instead of getting angry, the Lord started fighting with him laughingly. This time the demon started getting excited seeing himself defeated. The more he irritated, the smaller his body became, and gradually he became equal to a mosquito.

Lord Shri Krishna caught him and tied it to his cloth and in the morning showed it to Satyaki and Balarama said – “Look! Here is your monster. This is nothing but our anger.

The more the anger increases, the more the insurgency increases, and as the peace increases, so does the end of wickedness.

8th Moral story for kids: Impossible would be Possible


There was a village in the hills. This village was not situated on top of the hills, but in the valleys below. If it rained, the rivers would overflow and people’s homes would be washed away. Farming would have been destroyed, animals were swept away by the strong current of water. Stones would fall from the mountain and many people would die by being buried.

Life in that village was in great trouble. The truth was that there was no life. Sometimes it rains, and sometimes storms. The life of the people of that village was difficult, but the people of the hill village accepted that life is like this. That’s the way to live. This is the life his forefathers lived. After him, his children were also going to live the same life. He had heard stories of trouble. Now he used to tell these stories to his children. The flood of the river, the coming of the storm, the falling of the stones from the mountains – endure these sufferings and then die.

One day a traveler reached that hill village. He tried to convince them that you are all leading a life of ignorance. Your problems will never be solved while you are here. All of you should build your houses at a little height. Leave this chasm valley. Look so many beautiful mountains are all around you. Build your houses on their descent.

The people of the village had many arguments with him. Will building houses higher than this solve our problems? Even then the rain will come. The rivers will still be there. Storms will also arise. All these things of his were correct. The traveler did not get angry with these words of the people of the village.

He laughed and said – By building a house on a high mountain, the problems of the valley below will not remain. This unbearable form of a problem will not remain.

The people of that village were somewhat courageous. It takes a lot of courage to change the old way of life. The people of those villages gathered that courage. They changed the condition of their houses in their lives.

They were very surprised by this changed situation. It rained a lot, and the river also overflowed, but now their houses are not washed away. Their children should not drown, and the animals should be safe. Winds also arose, and stones also fell from the mountains, but now none of them is suppressed; Because all of them together changed their way of living. Their way of life were now transformed.

9th Moral story for kids: Greedy Man


Madhuvarta used to work at the place of king Samudatta. As much as he get was enough for good living in the house. All the children and family were happy.

One day when Madhuvart was passing through the forest, a voice came from a Peepal tree – ” Did you wish to get seven pitchers of money.” Madhuvarta got greedy. She said yes. An invisible voice said, “Go, we will take you home.”

When Madhuvart returned home, the wife told him that all seven pots had arrived. He saw the seven pots. Six were full, one half was empty.

Madhuvarta started worrying about completing it. Now he has started eating half his stomach. As a result, he himself became weak. His children are not getting proper care, They started misbehaving. His wife sometimes towards him and sometimes towards the children. There was a hue and cry in the house.

One day, seeing Madhuvarta drowned in this grief, King Samudatta asked – “Have you found the seven pitchers of Yaksha?”

Madhuvarta said- “Yes sir.”

He laughed and said – “That is the reason for your sorrows, if you want happiness, return them.”

Realizing the mistake, Madhuvart returned the pots and started living on whatever he had. Those who survive only a little, are always content and happy.

10th Moral story for kids: Flamingo and Crow


After crossing many countries, a group of flamingos stopped at the beach. The famous gardens of the Konark dynasty were here. The gardener there used to host these flamingos every year, and the flamingos used to give a sermon every year to the gardener as a reward.

This time too, the gardener served a feast with beautiful, sweet fruits to the visitors. Leader of

flamingos preached to the gardener and said – “The person who lives in the limits of his power and means, he spends his life happily even in meager means, but those who pretend to be more than their power get into trouble and be the object of ridicule .”

The gardener was greatly impressed by the flamingo’s scholarship. When he started giving something for the way, the flamingoes refused and said- “accumulation is a sin. You take this food. There are many other people in the world who are in need, give them. Strong people fulfill their needs on their own. Even if you get it or get it from anywhere, it is the work of lousy people.

The crow sitting on the banyan tree heard these words of the leader. Puffing wings, the rowdy went to the group of flamingos and started saying good and bad and said – ” If you people are proud of superiority, then accept my challenge. Look the vast ocean is spread far away, Let’s see, who has the power to cross it? Now it will be known whether you guys are able or I.”

Flamingo laughed and said -” We do not compete with anyone. You also should not. God has created more capable creatures than one, then why should anyone be proud of his power!” Saying this, the group of flamingos sprang up and started on their journey, but the rowdy crow was not going to leave them like that.

He also flew beside the flamingos and went ahead showing a little speed. The swan moves forward and backward in its natural motion. In between, the crow used to sarcasm one or the other and said- “If you get tired then tell me, we only want to show you our power, do not want to kill you.” Without giving any answer, the flamingos were flying slowly over the sea.

It had just been flying for a while that the talkative crow’s body got tired, and its wings became loose, it felt as if it fell now, then it fell, but its arrogance did not go away even now.

The crow was about to fall into the sea in a moment. His eyes welled up at his own act. Seeing this, the flamingos felt pity. He made the crow sitting on his back, then turned back and took the crow to where it lived.

Till now the crow was getting breathless. Flamingos said – “Never perform more than your strength, otherwise you will be killed.” Saying this, the group started on their journey again.

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