10 Best Panchatantra Stories in English for Kids For School

The Panchatantra stories is a collection of ancient Indian stories and fables that were written in Sanskrit and later translated into many other languages.

The stories are primarily intended to teach moral values and practical wisdom to children. They often feature animals as the main characters, and their clever plan and actions serve as allegories for human behavior.

The Panchatantra stories have been widely popular and have been translated and retold in various versions in many languages around the world.

Panchatantra Stories

Panchatantra Stories
Panchatantra Stories

Birds and Hunters

There was a large banyan tree in a dense forest, on which many birds of different birds lived. The fruits obtained for eating were around the banyan tree. All lived comfortably in their nest and never bothered to talk to each other. One day a hunter entered the forest intending to trap birds.

The birds did not mean each other flew in all directions in a panicked attempt to escape from the hunters. As a result, many of them got caught in the nets laid by the hunters.

In the early morning, the hunter comes to the jungle and says, Here are so many birds, next time I will set a  big trap. I can make more profit by selling birds. The hunter happily takes all the birds by locking them in the cage.

Feeling sad and hurt, the remaining birds started wailing. Some young birds decided to organize a meeting to discuss how they can protect themselves from future hunting. During this meeting, an old and wise owl suggested that they all come together and form a union.

The owl explained that if they worked together, they would be strong and better able to defend themselves. All the birds started to laugh and said that we are weak, how can we fight with humans? The owl explained that even though we all are weak if we all work together with a plan, we can easily drive away the hunter.

At first, the birds are hesitant, as they’ve never worked together before, but they finally agree to try it.

The next time the hunter came to the forest, the birds were already ready for him. The parrot warned everyone by shouting. The crow flew around the hunter’s head and started hitting on the head with its beak. To escape from the sudden attack, the hunter hid in the shrubs. Meanwhile, seeing the opportunity, the peacock cut the trap set by a hunter with its sharp claws.

The birds had formed a union and worked together to drive off the hunter. The hunters were taken aback by the birds’ new strength and unity and forced to retreat empty-handed.

The union of birds not only protected them from hunters but also realized the importance of community and belonging. They were no longer alone and had the support and protection of their fellow birds.

The basic moral of the story is Strength in Unity. When all individuals come together and work towards a common goal, they become stronger and better able to achieve their objectives. Birds learned this lesson, and it brought them safety and happiness.

Monkey and Crocodile

In a mango forest, there lived a monkey named Monti. Monti was a curious Monkey, who loved to explore and discover new things. One day, while Monti was swinging from branch to branch, he saw a crocodile lying on the banks of a nearby river. The crocodile was massive, and Monti was frightened by its size and sharp teeth. But out of curiosity, he decided to get a closer look.

As Monti approached, the crocodile opened its eyes and let out a deep growl. Monti froze, but he soon realized that the crocodile was in pain. Monti listened carefully and soon understood that the crocodile was asking for his help.

The crocodile explained that he had been caught in a trap set by a group of hunters, and was unable to free himself. Monti was a clever monkey, Monti used his long tail and strong hands to free the crocodile from the trap. The crocodile was overjoyed and thanked Monti for his help.

From that day on, Monti and the crocodile became friends. Monti would often visit the crocodile at the river. Monti would bring the fruits and nuts for the crocodile and in return, the crocodile would tell him stories of its adventures in the jungle.

Monti loved listening to the crocodile’s stories and was fascinated by its strength and courage. Monti realized that the crocodile was not just a fierce predator, but was also a wise and kind animal.

One day, while Monti was out exploring the forest for sweet berries, he saw a group of hunters. The hunters were setting traps for capturing animals to sell in the market. Monti knew that he had to do something to stop the hunters and protect his friends in the forest.

He quickly ran back to the river, where the crocodile was waiting for him. Monti explained the situation to his friend crocodile and asked for its help. The crocodile agreed to help Monti.

The crocodile said to the Monti “you immediately climb on the highest tree in the forest and warn all the animals, and I ensure that no animal can get near the trap”.

Monti uses his agility to climb trees and shout to alert everyone while the crocodile breaks the traps.

When the hunters found that a monkey was failing their plan, they angrily tried to kill him with a gun. Meanwhile, the king lion came and made a roaring sound. Seeing the lion coming near, the hunter considered himself lucky to run away.

The forest animals were overjoyed, and they thanked Monti and the crocodile for their bravery and kindness.

The story’s moral is that no matter how different you may be, you can tackle any problem if you work together.

You can also read Best 8 Short Story in English with Moral

Elephant and Ant Friendship

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a majestic elephant named Pumpie. He was respected by all the other animals. One day, while Pumpie was out for a stroll, He saw a group of ant who were scurrying around  for gathering food. Pumpie feel a little amused by the tiny creatures and decided to watch them for a while.

The ant were working together to collect grains and seeds, and Pumpie was impressed by their teamwork and determination. He realized that even though they were small, the ant were still able to survive and thrive in the jungle. Pumpie felt a sense of admiration for the ant and decided to help.

Pumpie used his trunk to gather large amounts of food and brought it to the ant. The ant were overjoyed and thanked Pumpie for his kindness. From that day on, Pumpie and the ant became friends. Pumpie would often help the ant with their tasks, and the ant would share food with Pumpie.

As time passed, the forest began to dry. A severe drought hit the area, and the food became scarce. Many animals began run away from forest, but Pumpie and the ant were able to survive because of their friendship and cooperation. The ant had learn Pumpie how to conserve food, and Pumpie had taught the ant how to find food in new areas.

As the drought continued, other animals began to notice the friendship between Pumpie and the ant. They were amazed that such a large and powerful animal would befriend such small and weak creatures. They were inspired by Pumpie and the ant’s cooperation and began to work together to survive the drought.

Within a few days, dark clouds covered the sky and it started raining heavily. All the people of the forest were happy. The river and the reservoir were filled with water again. Greenery started coming again in the trees. The forest slowly began to green, and the animals were able to find food again. Pumpie and the ant continued to be friends and help each other, but now they were joined by many other animals. The jungle became a peaceful and harmonious place, where all the animals worked together for the storing food.

The moral of the story is that, no matter how small or weak you may be, you can make a big difference in the world if you work together with others.

King and Tortoise

Hundreds of years ago, in a vast kingdom, there was a wise and powerful king who ruled over his people with fairness and justice.

One day while walking in the garden, the king saw a turtle in a pond that was crying.

The king went near and asked, “Hello, tortoise, why are you crying?”
Tortoise said I am cursing myself that I am living in the palace of this blind and deaf king.

The king got angry yet asked the tortoise out of curiosity, “What do you know about the king and the people of the kingdom?”.

The tortoise said that the king was surrounded by greedy and useless ministers. They take bribes from the public to get any work done. No matter how much trouble a self-respecting person has, he does not bow down to anyone. Does this not tarnish the fame of the king?

The king said to the turtle, it an easy to blame. Do you have any solution so that the king can reach everyone and the minister can work honestly without being offended?

Tortoise said I could do this if the king gave me a chance.

The king, impressed by the tortoise’s wisdom, decided to bring him to the palace as his advisor.

As per the advice of the tortoise, the king appointed shrewd men to gather information from various sources, which helped the king to make correct and far-reaching decisions that benefited his subjects

The king was able to address the issues and concerns of the people with the advice of the tortoise, which brought prosperity to the kingdom.

At first, some of the ministers were hesitant to take the tortoise’s advice seriously. But as time passed, all the ministers were speechless due to the changes in the king and the new approach to decision-making.

The moral of the story is that it is important to listen to and consider everyone’s voices, regardless of their background or appearance, as they may have valuable perspectives and insights to offer.

Stork and Tortoise

There lived a turtle named Timmy and a stork named Cindy in a pond. Timmy lived a slow and steady life and would spend most of his time swimming in the pond and relaxing on the shore. Cindy, on the other hand, was brash and exploratory, always soaring high in the sky and exploring the world beyond the pond.

Cindy thought Timmy was lazy and weak. Timmy, being a friendly turtle, greeted Cindy whenever she came to the pond. Although the two had never actually spoken to each other.

One day, a storm came and the wind was so strong that Cindy was unable to fly and fell near the pond. After the rainstorm stops, Timmy goes out to the river to rest. Suddenly Timmy sees Cindy struggling to stay afloat, swims to her, and asks if she is okay. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed that Cindy can’t fly, told Timmy about her situation.

Timmy, being the wise turtle that he is, sees the gravity of the matter and tells Cindy that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that is what makes us unique. The tortoise said not to feel bad for being unable to fly at this time and instead rest near the pond and let its wings get stronger again.

The tortoise encouraged Timmy and said, there are many things to see on the banks of the river as well.

Encouraged by Timmy’s words, Cindy decides to spend a few days by the pond. Timmy showed secure place to stay and also helped to collect food.

Within days, Cindy’s wings grew strong. Now, she can fly, but she has not forgotten the kindness and wisdom that Timmy has shown her.

Cindy apologized for her wrong behavior and promised never to show arrogance in the future.

The turtle said, friend, there are different kinds of people in this world, but it is wrong to make fun of someone’s body or appearance or to look at them with an inferiority complex. Since then, Timmy and Cindy have remained friends, helping each other and appreciating each other’s unique abilities.

The moral of this story is that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. We should value and appreciate each other’s unique abilities.

Three Frogs

Once upon a time, many frogs used to live in a deep pond. There also lived three frogs named Frank, Fred, and Fiona. The three frogs were best friends and spent all their days swimming, jumping, and playing together.

One day frogs heard that the owner of the pond was saying that no use for this pond, and he would build a house on top of it by taking water out of it and filling it with soil.

All the frogs got scared and started talking about what should be done now. An old frog said that he says the same thing every year but never does anything. Don’t be afraid, this time; also he will not do anything. All the frogs agreed to the old frog.

After a few days, the owner of the same pond came with two men and reiterated his point. Frank suggested that now we should not delay and find out the new way pond. All the frogs said that they had faith in the words of the old frog. All the frogs were comfortable with the routine and the familiar surroundings of the pond.

But Frank convinced both friends. The next day, three frogs set out on their adventure. After walking some distance, all three get tired; they thought maybe we had made a mistake in not listening to our frog friends.

Frank suggested that we should not lose heart and should continue to further. Soon they heard the sound of a stream of water, and three frogs decided to follow that incoming sound. Soon they found a stream coming out of the pond.

Fred and Fiona, who were a little unsure about the trip, jumped for joy at the sight of the pond. The three frogs enjoyed a lot by jumping in the pond’s water.

There they were greeted by a whole new world of other creatures. They also met different types of fish and frogs. They enjoyed learning about this new environment.

The three frogs had a great time. All three decided to tell their old friends about this pond.

The three frogs returned to their home’s pond. But, this time the pond was not the same as before. Water was being taken out of the pond. Frogs were running hither and thither to save their lives.

The three frogs told everyone about their new experiences and new friends. The three frogs persuaded everyone to go to the new pond. In this way, they saved the lives of their friends through their courage.

They realized that by stepping out of their comfort zone, they learned new knowledge, made new friends, and discovered things that they never thought possible.

The moral of this story is that taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to new experiences and growth.

Arrogant Queen and Poor Weaver

Once upon a time, there lived a poor young weaver in a small village. He was known for his craftsmanship, but despite his talents, he always struggled to make ends meet.

One day the weaver came to know that a beautiful and proud princess was looking for a unique gown for the upcoming dance festival, wearing which she would look most beautiful.

The young weaver impressed by the princess’ beauty, went to the mansion and offered to weave a gown for her. Impressed by the weaver’s skill, the princess agreed to get the gown made.

The weaver, eager to create a gown for the princess that would leave a lasting impression, worked tirelessly to make the most beautiful and intricate gown the princess had ever seen. The weaver used the finest silk and decorated the gown with gold threads and precious stones.

When the gown was finished, the weaver presented it to the princess. She was delighted and couldn’t wait to wear it to the dance festival.

Kings came from far and wide to participate in the dance festival. Dressed in a gown, the princess succeeded in impressing all the kings who came. The proud princess returned and ordered that the weaver make gowns only for the queen, and imprisoned the weaver.

The weaver was sad by this action of the princess. The weaver made a plan to meet the king. The weaver promised to make the most unique gown ever for the princess. The weaver made a gown for the princess out of silk threads that would burn up in the sunlight.

The princess was very happy to see the gown; but as soon as she came out in the sun wearing the gown, the cloth caught fire. Angered by this, the princess presented the weaver before the king to punish him.

The king of this country was very kind and loving. Weaver was waiting for this moment and told the whole story in detail to the king.

The king was also impressed by the gown and asked the princess sternly who made it. Princess humbly said that the weaver who had made the gown and admitted her mistake.

Impressed by the weaver’s talent, the king offered him the job of royal tailor and led a better life. The weaver, overjoyed by the opportunity, accepted the job.

Years passed and the skill and reputation of the weaver grew. He became known as one of the finest tailors in the country and wealth and fame started raining upon him.

The moral of this story is that hard work, dedication, and talent can help a person rise above their circumstances.

Clever Frog

Once upon a time, there lived a clever and resourceful frog in a dense forest of ‘Nandan Van’. This frog was known for its quick thinking and ability to outsmart any predator that dared to threaten it.

One day, while out foraging for food, the frog came across a deadly serpent. The serpent, known for its deadly venom and ferocious nature, immediately lunged at the frog. But the clever frog was quick to react and it jumped out of the way just in time.

The snake, disappointed at not having found its prey, turned to the frog and said, “You may have escaped my grasp this time, but I will not rest until I have eaten you!”

The frog looked fearlessly at the snake and said, “You may be deadly and ferocious, but I am not easy to catch. I have not one or two but countless tricks.”

The frog, determined to outwit the snake, began to come up with a plan. The frog knew that if he made a mistake, the snake would catch him. As a snake’s poison is its deadliest weapon, the frog decided to use it against the snake.

The next day, when the snake came looking for the frog, found the frog waiting for the snake with a big smile on its face.

The frog said, “I know you have come to finish what you started.” “But you know that I have prepared a surprise for you.”

The snake curiously asked the frog what kind of surprise it was for him.

The frog said, “I have coated myself in a special poison that is deadly to snakes.” “If you try to harm me, you will die a painful death.”

The snake was sensible and did not want to risk death, it thought for a moment before answering. The snake said “I see you are a clever creature. I cannot defeat you with brute force. But, I am a snake and known for cleverness and cunning. I will not rest till I don’t swallow you.”

The frog looked at the snake without fear and said, “I am always up for a challenge. You can try, but you will never succeed.”

The snake knowing that it could not defeat the frog by force, decided to use its intelligence.

Within a few days, the rainy season arrived, and every big pond and pit gets filled with water. All the frogs were rejoicing and celebrating by making the sound of tar-tar. The snake made a plan to take advantage of this opportunity.

Seeing the opportunity, the snake caught the frog king. The king frog requested the snake to leave it. The snake said I would leave you if you sent the Clever frog to the big pond on any pretext. The king frog promised to send a clever frog. The snake cut off one leg of the king frog and left it.

The next day, the king frog sent the clever frog to the big pond on some pretext. The clever frog saw the chopped-off leg of the king frog and got suspicious.

As the clever frog jumped into the big pond, the snake waited underwater and finally caught the frog.

The moral of the story is one should always be aware of one’s surroundings and not be too trusting, even of those who seem friendly or harmless.

Ungrateful Crab

By the beach of the river, lived a crab, who spent most of the day lounging around the sand and searching for food. One day, when the crab was out looking for food, he found a stork who had just caught a big fish. The crane was about to eat the fish when the crab called him.

“Sorry, Mr. Crane,” said the crab. “I can’t help but look at the beautiful fish you caught. It looks delicious. Can I taste it?”

The crane, feeling generous, decided to share the fish with the crab. Crane cut a small piece of fish and gave it to the crab. The crab was overjoyed and thanked the crane profusely.

The Crab invites the Crane to his house for dinner to make friends. From that day the crab and the heron became good friends.

Now the crab would have taken fish from the Crane on some pretext. The Crane often caught fish and shared them with the crab.

As time passed, the Crane noticed that the crab’s house was getting bigger and more luxurious. It was clear that Crab was getting rich fast. Out of curiosity, the Crane asked the crab how he had acquired so much wealth.

The crab was grateful to the Crane and said, “Mr. Crane, all this has been possible because of your help. You have been so generous in sharing your fish with me, and I have been able to earn money by selling the fish in the market.” I will always be grateful to you.

The crane felt a warmth in his heart, knowing that he had inadvertently helped his friend. But as the days passed, the crane noticed that the crab was becoming arrogant, always finding excuses not to invite the crane for dinner.

One day, to find out the reason for the sudden change in the crab’s behavior, crane decided to meet the crab without telling him. When he reached the Crab’s house, he found the Crab having a party with rich guests. The Crab was boasting of his wealth and success to the rich guests, and he did not once acknowledge the crane for his contribution.

The crane feels sad and betrayed, decides to leave, and never returns. As the crane flew by thought, “Money can indeed change a person, but it is important to remember where you came from and the people who have helped you along the way.”

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