Friends, here a small attempt has been made to present the story in English for you. Here you will get to read Raja-Rani, Akhbar Birbal, and popular stories from country and abroad. We hope this will also get your love and will motivate you to compete in our story competitions.

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List of story in English

Story in English
Story in English

Benefit of Story reading or Storytelling

Children’s story has a special role in building the culture of children. Children’s story does the work of giving direction to the social consciousness of children. Child psychologists and educationists believe that children’s story has been playing a useful role in making children aware of social traditions, ethics, behavior and life values.

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What are the Benefits of Story Reading?

The benefits of Story in English are not just limited to children. Adults can also benefit from story reading, even if they have never read a story before in their life.

Therefore in brief:

  1. Reading aloud to your kids fosters their imagination and inventiveness.
  2. Stories aid in the linguistic and cognitive growth of your kids. Children are learning about language and storytelling, which will help them when they study in the real world later.
  3. Stories teach kids about how people overcome obstacles in their lives.
  4. Reading to your kids for even 10 minutes a day will help them pick up a new word each day.
  5. Storytelling and reading aloud to children at home are the two things that are most likely to help them develop their storytelling skills.
  6. Children who like reading and storytelling at home and at school are more likely to succeed in life.
  7. Being exposed to books and being read to at home before starting school is the single most important element impacting a child’s early educational achievement.
  8. Kids who read a lot rather than watch TV grow to have longer attention spans

Story reading is a technique that is used to help people who are struggling with literacy learn how to read. It has been proven that reading aloud to children and adults alike has several advantages.
In this section, we will explore the benefits of story reading, how it can be used in schools and the workplace, and some ways you can get started on your own story-reading journey.

5 Easy Steps for Reading a Story to a Child

Reading to your child is an important way for them to learn and grow.

Step 1: Pick a any story

Step 2: Set the stage

Step 3: Start reading

Step 4: Pause and ask questions

Step 5: Reflect on your reading experience with real world

What are the advantages of storytelling for kids? Detail

let’s check 7 advantages of storytelling in English or Hindi

Ignite Curiosity

Children learn because they are curious and want to learn more. One of the best ways to spark curiosity is through stories.

Kids want to know about the characters. They listen with interest to each character and they want to know more about them. That’s why it is the duty of every elder to answer the questions asked by the child in the right way.

Broaden Their Horizons

Stories are one of the best ways to develop a wide range of ideas in young children.

Children get along with the characters – walking in the woods, rivers, mountains and having fun with others through the characters also teaches children social behavior Kids get to see the treasure island, the magical land with the castle, and everything else through the story. Through the story, children can make a fort, forest, or mountain in their imagination or they can also understand a religious story going back thousands of years.

Increase memory

Modern society places a lot of importance on memory. Many kids are losing their memory skills as a result of technological innovation.
Children often connect stories to other pieces of art. They will draw pictures or artwork of characters they know.

The princes for whose education Vishnu Sharma, the author of Panchatantra was appointed, were all extremely retarded and foolish. Vishnu Sharma taught him all the qualities to be successful in politics and practical life only by telling stories.

That’s why children should be given such books of stories to read selectively, which not only entertain them, but also instill faith in virtues and also give them the direction to be successful in practical life.

Story activity develops a passion for the work

Any play activity involving stories can develop this passion. If you carefully observe the activities of kids, you will find that each of his games is related to one or the other cartoon character. Activity based games like business transactions or bank management should also be included to develop intelligence among children.

Story is such a medium, through which even the most retarded child can be educated and cultured. The stories are children’s literature of such a superior level, that even today they educate the children of many countries all over the world.

Generating interest

Generating interest in children’s literature that gives healthy and directional reading habit, can prove useful in giving them information about new things as well as in cultivating their personality. Apart from story books, illustrated books giving information on various subjects in simple language should be made available for them. There is no dearth of good children’s literature either. The need is so great that its usefulness is felt for the children and efforts are made to fulfill this need.


Children’s stories and children’s literature are the best medium for socialization of children, to create a sense of sociality in them. Only children’s literature is capable of making the seeds of its social, cultural and spiritual ideals sprout, flourish and flower within the children. On the one hand, while it is necessary to inculcate eternal human life-values ​​in the children’s culture, on the other hand, it is also necessary to inform them about the contemporary social trends.

In Panchatantra also, information related to social behavior like neighborhood religion, friendship, cooperation, benefits of unity, losses due to unnecessary debate or unnecessary tampering, etc. has been given through stories. Changes keep on taking place in contemporary social trends, therefore, along with taking advantage of children’s literature like Panchatantra, Hitopadesh, it is necessary to create children’s literature, which includes poems and science fiction, as per the contemporary need, because only those Through this, the culture according to the national aspirations can be inscribed in the children.

Brain development

Storytelling has a powerful effect on our brains.

Both the left and right sides of a child’s brain are active simultaneously when they are engrossed in a story.

I. Critical thinking

2.  Imagination

3. Remembering

4. Problem solving

5. Attention

6. and many more

Children attached to the characters in the stories idolize them and seeing others doing great things inspires them to try their own.

From tales, children learn fundamental principles, facts, and lessons about life.

Increased self-esteem naturally has a positive impact on confidence.

In addition, storytelling is a fantastic method for children to engage in role-playing, letter games, toy play, and a variety of other activities that will support the growth of their brain stem cells.

Parents Support

Usually the parents force the children to stick to the text books and start reprimanding them on seeing any other book in their hand. Due to this, the basic nature of curiosity and curiosity remains in the children. He starts getting frustrated.

It can help them develop a love for reading, improve their literacy skills, and even teach them about the world around them.

Tight restrictions attract them, as a result of which children secretly start reading whatever books they can find. Nowadays this problem has become common that by throwing away school books, children take more interest in reading books with cheap, marketable and spicy stories.

Many parents complain that their child reads books of novels and funny stories rather than course books.

Parents should guide them instead of stopping them from reading extra-curricular books and help them choose the right books. Due to not getting any help from the parents, the children read good and bad books in a mundane manner and keep taking wrong inspirations from them.

How to help children choose good books:

Before this it is necessary to know what kind of books children like to read. Children are naturally attracted to colorful books containing stories and poems. The story mode is popular, because in them serious to serious and mysterious to mysterious things are presented with great ease through events. In order to understand the propounded subject, there is no need to fight with the mind, nor to pull the mind from all sides and focus it there.

Children’s nature is curious. Due to this, they understand a fact very well through the events and secondly, their fickle nature keeps on moving towards concentration by being bound by the events. If they are told the story of a person, in which the sequence of events is maintained and in which the depiction of the successes achieved by labor at every step is presented only through the events, then children can easily understand the importance of labor.

If good literature is made available to the children and the habit of reading is inculcated in them, then many such exuberances, which they do because of not being able to understand any use of free time, start reducing automatically.


Reading Story in English

List of book story in English for kids

How to make reading story in English fun for kids?

By making the reading of stories in English more fun and engaging for children, the child’s attraction to the story increases.
Select stories that match the child’s interests and hobbies. Use different voices and expressions as you read the story aloud, as well as props to encourage children to engage and participate in the story.

How can a child build confidence when telling story in English?

Building confidence while telling stories in English is an important part of the learning process. Encourage children to speak aloud while reading stories in English. Parents or teachers give positive feedback or praise to build a child’s self-esteem.

What are some age-appropriate story in English for young children?

There are many age-appropriate stories in English for young children depending on their age and reading level. For very young children, consider board books or picture books with simple language and attractive illustrations; for slightly older children, consider early reader books or chapter books with engaging characters and plot lines

How can a child improve his/her English vocabulary while reading or writing a story?

Reading or writing story in English is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Children become familiar with new words while reading or writing. Try using new words in your writing and conversation to reinforce your understanding and build your vocabulary.

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