10 Best Story of Bravery in English

This adorable story of bravery is written for kids! Join us as we take on thrilling challenges, conquer fears, and discover the true meaning of adventure. Filled with thrilling moments and valuable life lessons, this story will inspire young minds to be brave, resilient and never give up. Hilarious and empowering, this story of bravery will spark children’s imaginations and encourage them to embrace bravery in their everyday lives.

Story of Bravery

Story of Bravery in English

Princess and Beast

Once upon a time, a beautiful and kind princess named Isabella lived in a big mansion. She gained loved from all for her compassion and generosity. She helped the less fortunate people and brought smiles to those around her.

One day, a terrible curse befell the kingdom. A powerful sorcerer, jealous of the kingdom’s prosperity and the princess’s beauty, had turned the king and queen into idols. The curse will be lifted only when a brave prince can defeat the sorcerer and break the curse.

Many princes came to break the curse, but none succeeded. As time passed, they all fell into despair and were convinced that the curse could never be broken. But Princess Isabella did not give up hope. She decided that she would not wait for a prince to save her kingdom instead save it herself.

Isabella gets out on a journey to find the sorcerer and break the curse. He traveled through snowy mountains, dark forests, and scorching deserts. Along the way, she met several princes who tried to help her, but none of them were able to defeat the wizard.

While traveling to Alaska, a strange and terrifying beast came across her path, which she had never seen before. The beast was large and covered with thick fur. The animal had razor-sharp claws and bright red eyes. It was said to be the guardian of sorcerers, and anyone who tried to pass that way was put to death.

But Isabella is not afraid. She went to the beast and cried, “I know you are not an evil creature. You are under the sorcerer’s curse just like my kingdom. I beg you to let me go, and I promise to help you and try to set you free. I have to save my kingdom and my parents.”

The beast was taken aback by Isabella’s words. No one had spoken to him with kindness and understanding before. He saw the pure and gentle nature in her eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes too.

Suddenly, Isabel saw that a ferocious beast had turned into a handsome prince. The prince said that I had fallen into the trap of a sorcerer and my curse would be lifted only when I  would be shredded to tears after seeing any princess’s tears. May I help you and get rid of the curse of the magician?

Isabella decides to go to the wizard’s cave with the prince’s help. Isabella has to face many dangers and traps but overcomes them with courage and cleverness. She finally arrives at the wizard’s throne room and challenges him to a duel.

The magician laughed and sent his powerful varmint to defeat him, but the prince finished off the varmint with a sword. Finally, the magician proceeded to confront him.

He was a powerful and ferocious magician, but Isabella was not intimidated. She knew that true power came from the heart, not magic.

She defeated the sorcerer with courage and broke the curse placed on her kingdom. With the curse broken, the king and queen revert to their human form, and the kingdom returns to its former glory.

The prince was struck by Isabella’s bravery and kindness, and fell deeply in love with her. Princess Isabella and the prince lived happily ever after and ruled the kingdom with kindness and compassion. Under her rule, the people lived in peace and prosperity. The state was known far and wide for its liberality and fairness.

Story of Bravery in English

Mullah Nasruddin

In a small village situated in the middle of a hill, a wise and witty man lived named Mulla Nasruddin. He was well known for his shrew wit and wisdom. He has the ability to turn even difficult situations into humor.

Mulla Nasruddin’s cleverness and intelligence endeared him to the people of the village. The villagers often consulted him when they had problems. He always had a wise and witty solution to their problems.

One day, panic gripped the village as a lion had escaped from a nearby zoo and roamed freely in the hills. The lion used to hunt the animal tied outside the house at night. People planned to leave their homes. The villagers feared the lion might attack and hurt someone, so they came to Mulla Nasruddin to ask for help.

Mulla Nasruddin, realizing the gravity of the situation, knew that he needed to act fast to restore peace in the village. He gathered his bravest friends and started prowling at night to face the lion.

The next day, Mulla Nasruddin announced that the lion had been found and would go to a cave on the hill to capture it.

According to his words, Mulla entered the lion’s cave, and the deafening roar of the lion came from inside the cave. Villagers outside the cave were sure that Mulla Nasruddin and his friends would not survive.

Mulla Nasruddin stepped forward with a steady hand and a strong heart. He took out the broom and confidently moved toward the lion. The lion, startled by this strange behavior, turned and tried to run away.

The villagers saw Mulla Nasruddin coming out carrying a huge bundle on his back. Everyone was surprised to see Nasruddin. Mullah Nasruddin kept the sack down and started opening it. Everyone stopped him and started going away in fear.

Mulla Nasruddin laughed and opened the sack. He pulled out the lion from sack. Everyone was panicked to see Nasruddin’s act. Mullah Nasruddin said, a thief wearing a lion’s skin. He killed the lion and scared us by wearing its skin. Seeing the opportunity, he used to steal our animals and sell them outside.

The villagers expressed their happiness by clapping. Nasruddin was hailed as a hero and praised for his bravery and wisdom.

He was an inspiration for all. He lived a life of heroism and integrity.

Some more 8 Story of Bravery

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