100+ Popular Birds Names in English & Hindi

In children’s school or any competition, the birds name is often asked, that’s why this topic is being discussed for your convenience.

Birds are intriguing species that have a wide range of colors, sizes, and forms. The names of some 100 birds, their traits, and their families are listed on this page in both English and Hindi. Additionally, it contains multiple-choice questions to gauge your understanding of bird knowledge.

Table of popular birds name in English, Hindi , Family and Characteristic

English NameHindi NameFamilyCharacteristics
EagleचीलAccipitridaePowerful beak, sharp talons, keen eyesight, strong wings
DuckबतखAnatidaeWebbed feet, waterproof feathers, flat bill
Henमुर्गीPhasianidaeSmall head, rounded body, short wings, beak with small comb
ParrotतोताPsittacidaeStrong curved beak, colorful feathers, ability to mimic sounds
PeacockमोरPhasianidaeElaborate and colorful plumage, long train of feathers, crest on head
Doveपड़कीColumbidaeSoft feathers, small beak, cooing voice
StorkसारसCiconiidaeLong neck and legs, large beak, broad wings
SwanहंसAnatidaeLong neck, graceful appearance, webbed feet
PigeonकबूतरColumbidaeSmall head, plump body, short beak, gentle disposition
GooseकलहंसAnatidaeLarge body, long neck, webbed feet, honking call
Pelicanजलपक्षीPelecanidaeLarge throat pouch, long bill, ability to store and carry fish
SparrowगौरैयाPasseridaeSmall size, short beak, ability to chirp
Macawमैकॉ तोताPsittacidaeLarge curved beak, bright and colorful feathers, ability to mimic sounds
Parakeetपहाड़ी तोताPsittacidaeSmall curved beak, colorful feathers, ability to mimic sounds
FinchesफिंचFringillidaeSmall beak, small body, ability to sing
CrowकौवाCorvidaeBlack feathers, sharp beak, intelligent
Ravenकाला कौआCorvidaeBlack feathers, large size, intelligence
Vultureगिद्धAccipitridaeFeatherless head, powerful beak, scavenger
HawkबाजAccipitridaeSharp beak and talons, strong wings, keen eyesight
CraneसारसGruidaeLong neck and legs, graceful appearance
PenguinपेंगुइनSpheniscidaeShort wings, streamlined body, webbed feet
Woodpeckerकठफोड़वाPicidaeStrong beak, ability to peck wood, zygodactyl feet
HornbillधनेशBucerotidaeLarge beak with casque, colorful feathers
MynaमैनाSturnidaeDark feathers, yellow beak, ability to mimic sounds
CuckooकोयलCuculidaeLong tail, ability to lay eggs in other birds’ nests
Turkeyपेरू पक्षीPhasianidaeLarge body, featherless head, fleshy snood and wattle
QuailबटेरPhasianidaeSmall size, round body, short tail
Ostrichशुतुरमुर्गStruthionidaeLarge size, long legs, ability to run fast
EmuएमुDromaiidaeLarge size, long neck, powerful legs
Kingfisherराम चिरैयाAlcedinidaeLarge head, long beak, ability to dive into water
KiteचीलAccipitridaeLong wings, forked tail, ability to soar
CockatooकाकातुआCacatuidaeLarge curved beak, crest on head, ability to mimic sounds
NightingaleबुलबुलMuscicapidaeBrown feathers, melodious song
Blue jayनीलकण्ठCorvidaeBlue feathers, crest on head, ability to mimic sounds
MagpieपीकूCorvidaeBlack and white feathers, long tail, ability to mimic sounds
Goldfinchसुनहरी मैनाFringillidaeBright yellow and black feathers, small beak
Robinलाल चिड़ियाTurdidaeRed breast, brown feathers, melodious song
SwallowअबाबीलHirundinidaeLong wings, forked tail, ability to fly fast
Starlingस्टार्लिंग बर्डSturnidaeDark feathers with metallic sheen, ability to mimic sounds
PheasantतीतरPhasianidaeLong tail, elaborate plumage, ability to fly short distances
CanaryकैनेरीFringillidaeSmall size, melodious song
Seagullसमुद्री गाइडLaridaeWhite feathers, long wings, webbed feet
HeronबगुलाArdeidaeLong neck, long legs, sharp beak
Weaverbirdबया पक्षीPloceidaeSmall size, ability to weave intricate nests
Wagtailखंजन पक्षीMotacillidaeBlack and white feathers, ability to wag tail
Tailorbirdदर्जी पक्षीCisticolidaeBrown feathers, ability to sew leaves together to make nests
Partridgeतीतर पक्षीPhasianidaeBrown feathers, ability to fly short distances
OrioleपीलकOriolidaeBrightly colored feathers, ability to sing
KestrelखेरमुतियाFalconidaeSmall size, ability to hover in the air
Hoatzinहोत्ज़िनOpisthocomidaeBrown feathers, distinctive smell, ability to swim
SkylarkचकवाAlaudidaeBrown feathers
WagtailखंजनBlack and white feathers, ability to wag tail
GadwallगडवालAnatidaeGray feathers, white belly
Tealचैती पक्षीAnatidaeGreen and brown feathers, small size
Dunnockडनॉक पक्षीPrunellidaeBrown feathers, ability to sing
RoadrunnerरोडरनरCuculidaeBrown feathers, ability to run fast

Picture of Birds with Name

birds name picture

Table of carnivorous birds name in English, Hindi and their features

English NameHindi NameFeatures
Bald eagleगंभीर चीलLarge size, white head, brown feathers, powerful talons
Ospreyओसप्रेWhite belly, brown feathers, hooked bill, sharp talons
Peregrine falconशाही शहीनGray feathers, curved beak, powerful talons, ability to fly at high speeds
Snowy owlहिम घुब्बीWhite feathers, yellow eyes, hooked beak
Red-tailed hawkलाल चीलBrown feathers, red tail, hooked beak, sharp talons
Gyrfalconजीरो शाही शहीनGray and white feathers, curved beak, powerful talons
Harpy eagleहार्पी चीलGray feathers, curved beak, powerful talons, ability to hunt large prey
Golden eagleसुनहरी चीलBrown feathers, golden nape, powerful talons
Secretary birdसेक्रेटरी पक्षीGray and black feathers, long legs, hooked beak, ability to stomp prey
Harris’s hawkहैरिस की चीलBrown feathers, white tail, hooked beak, ability to hunt in groups
Cooper’s hawkकूपर की चीलBrown feathers, white belly, hooked beak, ability to fly quickly through trees
Ferruginous hawkफेरुगिनस की चीलBrown feathers, white belly, hooked beak, powerful talons
Black vultureकाला गिद्धBlack feathers, bald head, hooked beak, ability to detect carrion
Turkey vultureटर्की गिद्धBrown feathers, red head, hooked beak, ability to detect carrion
Crested caracaraक्रेस्टेड काराकाराBrown feathers, distinctive crest, hooked beak, ability to hunt small prey
American kestrelअमेरिकन केस्ट्रलBrown feathers, white belly, hooked beak, ability to hover in the air
Common buzzardसामान्य बजBrown feathers, white belly, hooked beak, ability to soar in the air
Marsh harrierमार्श हैरियरBrown feathers, white belly, hooked beak, ability to fly low over marshes
Lanner falconलैनर शहीनBrown feathers, curved beak, powerful talons, ability to hunt birds in the air

Table of herbivorous birds name in English, Hindi and their features

English NameHindi NameFeatures
Ostrichशुतुरमुर्गLarge size, long legs, long neck, small head
EmuइमूLarge size, long legs, small wings, brown feathers
CassowaryकैसोवेरीLarge size, blue head, brown feathers, powerful legs
KiwiकिवीSmall size, brown feathers, long beak
Crowned craneक्राउन्ड क्रेनGray feathers, distinctive crown of feathers, long legs, long neck
Hoatzinहोअटज़िनMedium size, brown feathers, distinctive smell, ability to climb trees
Greater rheaग्रेटर रियाLarge size, gray-brown feathers, long legs, small head
DodoडोडोExtinct bird, large size, blue-gray feathers, small wings, heavy beak
Guinea fowlगिनी हेंसMedium size, distinctive spotted feathers, small head
PigeonकबूतरSmall to medium size, distinctive cooing sound, often found in urban areas
QuailबटेरSmall size, brown feathers, distinctive call, often hunted for meat
FinchफिंचSmall size, colorful feathers, distinctive beak
Parakeetपहाड़ी तोताSmall to medium size, colorful feathers, ability to mimic human speech
Budgerigarबज़रीगरSmall size, colorful feathers, ability to mimic human speech
TurkeyपेरूLarge size, distinctive fleshy protuberance on head, often eaten on holidays
Greater flamingoबड़ा फ्लेमिंगोLarge size, pink feathers, long legs, ability to filter feed
Andean gooseएंडियन गूसMedium to large size, gray-brown feathers, distinctive white band around neck
Mandarin duckमैंडरिन बत्तखSmall to medium size, distinctive colorful feathers on males, ability to perch in trees
Snow gooseहिम हंसLarge size, white feathers, ability to migrate long distances
American black duckअमेरिकन काला बत्तखMedium size, brown feathers, distinctive blue patch on wings

List of Pet Birds and Wild Birds Name

Here is a list of bird names categorized into pet and wild:

Pet BirdsWild Birds
African GreyOwl
Quaker ParrotKingfisher
Senegal ParrotBlue Jay
Society FinchRobin
Zebra FinchSwallow
Java SparrowStarling
Gouldian FinchGoldfinch
Diamond DoveSandpiper
Pekin RobinNightingale

Some Exotic birds Name in India

English NameHindi NameScientific NameAbout
CockatielsकॉकाटीलNymphicus hollandicusSmall, social parrots with distinctive crest and colorful markings. Popular pet bird.
BudgiesपरेकीटMelopsittacus undulatusSmall, colorful parakeets with chirpy personalities. Popular as pets.
Love Birdsलव बर्डAgapornis spp.Small, social parrots with affectionate personalities and vibrant plumage. Popular as pets.
Zebra Finchesजेब्रा फिंचTaeniopygia guttataSmall, lively finches with distinctive striped markings. Popular as pets.
Pineapple Conuresपाइनएप्पल कोन्यूरPyrrhura molinaeMedium-sized, colorful parrots with playful personalities. Popular as pets.
DoveकबूतरColumbidae spp.Small to medium-sized birds with gentle personalities and cooing calls. Often kept as pets.
Hyacinth Macawहायसिंथ मैकॉAnodorhynchus hyacinthinusLargest parrot species in the world, with striking blue plumage. Highly prized as pets.
Hahn’s Macawहान्स मैकॉDiopsittaca nobilisSmall, colorful parrots with spunky personalities. Popular as pets.
ParrotletपैरोटलेटForpus spp.Small, energetic parrots with bold personalities and bright plumage. Popular as pets.
CanaryकैनेरीSerinus canariaSmall songbirds with distinctive calls and bright plumage. Popular as pets.
Rainbow Lorikeetरेनबो लोरीकेटTrichoglossus haematodusSmall to medium-sized parrots with bright, multi-colored plumage. Popular as pets.
Golden Pheasantगोल्डन फेजेंटChrysolophus pictusColorful, medium-sized gamebirds with striking golden plumage. Often kept in aviaries.
Palm Cockatooपाम कॉकटूProbosciger aterrimusLarge, charismatic cockatoo species with distinctive crests and powerful beaks.
ToucanटूकनRamphastos spp.Medium to large-sized birds with distinctive, colorful bills. Popular as exotic pets.
Conure Birdकोन्यूर बर्डAratinga spp.Medium-sized parrots with playful personalities and vibrant plumage. Popular as pets.

10 MCQ on Birds Name for Student

Some multiple-choice questions on birds for students:

1. Which of the following is not a type of bird?
A) Bat
B) Eagle
C) Duck
D) Parrot

Answer: A Bat

2. Which of the following bird species is known for its ability to imitate human speech?
A) Pigeon
B) Owl
C) Parrot
D) Stork

Answer: C) Parrot

3. Which bird is the world’s swiftest creature?
A) Peregrine falcon
B) Bald eagle
C) Osprey
D) Golden eagle

Answer: A Peregrine falcon

4. Which bird species is recognized for its ability to reverse flight?
A) Hummingbird
B) Pigeon
C) Goose
D) Pelican

Answer: A Hummingbird

5. Which of the following is the national bird of the United States?
A) Bald eagle
B) American Robin
C) Blue Jay
D) Northern cardinal

Answer: A Bald eagle

6. Which kind of bird is well-known for its unique courting dance?
A) Crane
B) Pigeon
C) Goose
D) Pelican

Answer: A Crane

7. Which bird species is known for building elaborate nests using mud?
A) Sparrow
B) Woodpecker
C) Swallow
D) Horn bill

Answer: C) Swallow

8. Which bird species is the largest living bird?
A) Ostrich
B) Emu
C) Kiwi
D) Penguin

Answer: A Ostrich

9. Which of the following bird species is flightless?
A) Pigeon
B) Goose
C) Penguin
D) Horn bill

Answer: C) Penguin

10. Which species of bird is famous for traveling hundreds of kilometers every year?
A) Sparrow
B) Goose
C) Hummingbird
D) Horn bill

Answer: B Goose

11. Which type of bird is distinguished by a long, curved bill?
A) Pelican
B) Toucan
C) Stork
D) Heron

Answer: B Toucan

12. Which kind of bird is known for its propensity towards nighttime hunting?
A) Eagle
B) Vulture
C) Owl
D) Crow

Answer: C) Owl

13. Which kind of bird has been noted for being able to swim and dive underwater to capture fish?
A) Osprey
B) Cormorant
C) Kite
D) Falcon

Answer: B Cormorant

14. What kind of bird is renowned for its stunning, vibrant plumage?
A) Sparrow
B) Raven
C) Peacock
D) Magpie

Answer: C) Peacock

15. Which bird species have a special mating behavior in which the males blow up their colorful neck pouches?
A) Flamingo
B) Woodpecker
C) Condor
D) Turkey

Answer: A Flamingo

16. Which bird species is renowned for its ability to imitate sounds similar to human speech?
A) Parrot
B) Falcon
C) Stork
D) Pigeon

Answer: A Parrot

17. Which bird species is known for its ability to run at high speeds and has a long neck and legs?
A) Ostrich
B) Penguin
C) Kiwi
D) Emu

Answer: A Ostrich

18. Which bird species is known for its ability to hover in place while feeding on nectar from flowers?
A) Sparrow
B) Hummingbird
C) Pigeon
D) Dove

Answer: B Hummingbird

19. What kind of bird is popular for its ability to fly upside down and backward?
A) Sparrow
B) Woodpecker
C) Horn bill
D) Hummingbird

Answer: D) Hummingbird

20. Which bird species is known for its large size and powerful talons, and is a symbol of strength and power in many cultures?
A) Falcon
B) Eagle
C) Vulture
D) Kite

Answer: B Eagle

21. Which bird species is known for building elaborate and intricate nests out of the mud?
A) Swallow
B) Sparrow
C) Weaver bird
D) Pigeon

Answer: A Swallow

22. Which bird species is known for its ability to fly long distances and migrate across continents?
A) Sparrow
B) Dove
C) Swallow
D) Arctic Tern

Answer: D) Arctic Tern

23. Which bird species is known for its ability to fly at high altitudes and for its long, pointed wings?
A)| Finch
B) Albatross
C) Crow
D) Seagull

Answer: B Albatross

24. Which bird species is known for its ability to swim and dive underwater to catch fish, and is a symbol of grace and beauty?
A) Swan
B) Duck
C) Cormorant
D) Pelican

Answer: A Swan

25. A bird species is known for its distinctive red breast and is often associated with Christmas?
A) Sparrow
B) Robin
C) Pigeon
D) Raven

Answer: B Robin



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