100+ Vegetables Names in English & Hindi with picture for class 1, 2 kids

All vegetables names in English and Hindi

Are you excited to explore the world of vegetables? Whether you’re a language learner, or simply curious about different vegetables name, this comprehensive list of 100 vegetables in Hindi and English will guide you.

Vegetables Names

Types of Vegetables

  1. Leafy Vegetables
  2. Root Vegetables
  3. Cruciferous Vegetables
  4. Allium Vegetables
  5. Gourd and Squash Vegetables
  6. Podded Vegetables
  7. Nightshade Vegetables
  8. Miscellaneous Vegetables
Vegetables Names in Hindi English

List of 50 vegetables names in Hindi, English, and Spanish:

आलू (Aloo)PotatoPapa
प्याज़ (Pyaz)OnionCebolla
टमाटर (Tamatar)TomatoTomate
गाजर (Gajar)CarrotZanahoria
बैंगन (Baingan)Eggplant/BrinjalBerenjena
शिमला मिर्च (Shimla Mirch)CapsicumPimiento
फूल गोभी (Phool Gobhi)CauliflowerColiflor
पत्ता गोभी (Patta Gobhi)CabbageRepollo
मटर (Matar)PeasGuisantes
सरसों का साग (Sarson ka Saag)Mustard GreensHojas de Mostaza
तोरी (Tori)Ridged GourdCalabaza Serpiente
कद्दू (Kaddu)PumpkinCalabaza
बीन्स (Beans)BeansFrijoles
लहसुन (Lahsun)GarlicAjo
अदरक (Adrak)GingerJengibre
मेथी (Methi)FenugreekFenogreco
पालक (Palak)SpinachEspinaca
लौकी (Lauki)Bottle GourdCalabaza Botella
खीरा (Kheera)CucumberPepino
करेला (Karela)Bitter GourdBitter Melon
टेंडली (Tindli)Ivy GourdTindora
कच्ची हल्दी (Kacchi Haldi)TurmericCúrcuma
ब्रॉकली (Broccoli)BroccoliBrócoli

Vegetables Names

बन्द गोभी (Bandh Gobhi)Brussels SproutsColes de Bruselas
बांसलू तोरी (Banslu Tori)Bamboo ShootsBrotes de Bambú
सेम (Sem)Broad BeansHabas
सलाद पत्ता (Salad Patta)LettuceLechuga
सेब लौकीApple Gourd Calabaza de Manzana
हरी मटर (Hari Matar)Green PeasGuisantes Verdes
साग (Saag)Leafy GreensVerduras de Hoja
कच्चे केले (Kachche Kele)Raw BananaPlátano Crudo
तुराई (Turai)Sponge GourdCalabaza Esponja
कटहल (Kathal)JackfruitJackfruit
परवल (Parwal)Pointed GourdCalabaza Puntiaguda
खोल कोलेज (Khol Kolej)Chinese CabbageRepollo Chino
शकरकंद (Shakarkand)Sweet PotatoBatata Dulce
अंडा बाईच (Anda Baich)Snake GourdCalabaza Serpiente
लोबिया (Lobia)Black-eyed Peas/CowpeaFrijoles de Ojo Negro
भिंडीLady’s FingerEl dedo de la señorita
मिर्च (Mirch)ChilliChile
चुकंदरBeetrootRaíz de remolacha
हरा प्याजLeekPuerro
कढ़ी पत्ताCurry LeafHoja de curry
चौराई की सब्जीAmaranthAmaranto
राजमाKidney BeansFrijoles
हाथी चकArtichokeAlcachofa
लाल पत्तागोभीRed CabbageRepollo rojo
कच्चा पपीताRaw PapayaPapaya cruda
कचरीMouse MelonRatón Melón
सोया बीनSoyabeanHaba de soja
कमल ककड़ीLotus Cucemberpepino de loto
सिंघाड़ाWater ChestnutCastaña de agua
लाल शैवालOgonoriOgonori

Leafy Vegetables Names

पालक (Palak)SpinachEspinaca
सरसों की साग (Sarson ki Saag)Mustard GreensHojas de mostaza
मेंथी (Methi)FenugreekFenogreco
पुदीना (Pudina)MintMenta
करी पत्ता (Kari Patta)Curry LeavesHojas de curry
बथुआ (Bathua)ChenopodiumQuenopodio
लाल साग (Lal Saag)Red SpinachEspinaca roja
चौराई (Chauraai)Amaranth leavesAmaranto
धनिया पत्ती (Dhaniya Patti)Coriander LeavesHojas de cilantro
अरबी के पत्ते (Arbi ke Patte)Colocasia Leaveshojas de colocasia
बचली (Bachli)Malabar SpinachEspinaca de Malabar
कुलफा का शाक (Kulfa ka Saag)PurslaneVerdolaga
पालक पत्ता (Palak Patta)Spinach LeavesHojas de espinaca
हरी मटर की पत्ती (Hari Matar ki Patti)Green Pea LeavesHojas de guisante verde
टमाटर के पत्ते (Tamatar ke Patte)Tomato LeavesHojas de tomate
कटहल के पत्ते (Kathal ke Patte)Jackfruit LeavesHojas de yaca
मेथी के पत्ते (Methi ke Patte)Fenugreek LeavesHojas de fenogreco
तोरी पत्ता (Tori Patta)Ridge Gourd LeavesHojas de calabaza de cresta
गेंहूँ के जवारे (Gehu ke Jaware)WheatgrassHierba de trigo
सोया पत्ती (Soya Patti)Soybean LeavesHojas de soja
मूली के पत्ते (Mooli ke Patte)Radish LeavesHojas de rábano

Root Vegetables Names

आलू (Aloo)PotatoPapa
मूली (Mooli)RadishRábano
गाजर (Gajar)CarrotZanahoria
शलजम (Shalgam)TurnipNabo
शाकरकंद (Shakarkand)Sweet PotatoBoniato
बीटरूट (Beetroot)BeetrootRaíz de remolacha
अरबी (Arbi)ColocasiaTaro
सतावर (Satawar)Indian AsparagusEspárrago Indios
सुरन (Suran)Elephant Foot YamÑame de pie de elefante
शिंगाड़ा (Shingara)Water ChestnutCastaña de Agua
कुचलू (Kuchalu)Elephant YamÑame Elefante

Allium Vegetables Names

प्याज़ (Pyaz)OnionCebolla
लहसुन (Lahsun)GarlicAjo
हरा प्याज़ (Hara Pyaz)Green OnionCebolla Verde
लेबनी (Lebni)ShallotChalote
सिरका प्याज़ (Sirka Pyaz)Pickled OnionCebolla en Vinagre
रंगदार प्याज़ (Rangdar Pyaz)Red OnionCebolla Roja
गोल प्याज़ (Gol Pyaz)Pearl OnionCebolla en Perlas
हरे धनिये के साथ प्याज़ (Hare Dhaniye ke saath Pyaz)Onion with CilantroCebolla con Cilantro
आलू प्याज़ (Aloo Pyaz)Potato OnionCebolla de Papa
पत्ता प्याज़ (Patta Pyaz)ScallionCebolla de Rama
प्याज़ का पत्ता (Pyaz ka Patta)Onion LeafHoja de Cebolla
कांदा (Kanda)Spring OnionCebolla de Primavera
लहसुन का पत्ता (Lahsun ka Patta)Garlic LeafHoja de Ajo
हरी लस्सन (Hari Lassan)Green GarlicAjo Verde
प्याज़ की पत्ती (Pyaz ki Patti)Onion LeavesHojas de Cebolla
सफेद प्याज़ (Safed Pyaz)White OnionCebolla Blanca
कांदा वड़ी (Kanda Vadi)Onion FrittersBuñuelos de Cebolla
सिरका लस्सन (Sirka Lassan)Pickled GarlicAjo en Vinagre
चटपटा प्याज़ (Chatpata Pyaz)Tangy OnionCebolla Picante
लहसुन का फूल (Lahsun ka Phool)Garlic FlowerFlor de Ajo

Gourd and Squash vegetables Names:

लौकी (Lauki)Bottle GourdCalabaza en Botella
तुरई (Turai)Ridge GourdCalabaza Serpiente
तिंडा (Tinda)Apple GourdCalabaza de Manzana India
करेला (Karela)Bitter GourdCalabaza Amarga
परवल (Parwal)Pointed GourdCalabaza Puntiaguda
गिलकी (Gilki)Ridge GourdCalabaza Serpiente
लौकी की सब्जी (Lauki ki Sabzi)Bottle Gourd CurryCurry de Calabaza en Botella
सूरन (Suran)Elephant Foot YamRaíz de Elefante
तुरयी (Turai)Sponge GourdCalabaza Esponja
चिचिंडा (Poosanikai)Snake GourdCalabaza Serpiente
टिण्डा (Tinda)Apple GourdCalabaza de Manzana India
गवारफली (Gawarphali)Cluster BeansFrijoles de Racimo
लौकी का पत्ता (Lauki ka Patta)Bottle Gourd LeafHoja de Calabaza en Botella
सफेद कद्दु (Safed Kaddu)Ash Gourdcalabaza de ceniza

Podded Vegetables Names:

फली (Phali)French BeansJudías Verdes
सेम (Sem)Broad BeansHabas
लोबिया (Lobia)Black-eyed PeasFrijoles de Ojo Negro
जलकुंभी बीन्सHyacinth BeansFrijoles de Jacinto
सेम फली (Sem Phali)Lima BeansFrijoles Lima
राजमा (Rajma)Kidney BeansFrijoles Rojos
मूंग की दाल (Moong ki Dal)Mung Beans LentilsLentejas de Frijol Mungo
ग्वार फली (Gwar Phali)Cluster BeansFrijoles en Racimo
खेड़ी लाल मटर (Kheri Lal Matar)Red Kidney BeansFrijoles Rojos Kidney
लोबिया का पोदा (Lobia ka Poda)Black-eyed Peas PlantPlanta de Frijoles de Ojo Negro
चौराई के बीज (Chaulrai ke Beej)Amaranth SeedsSemillas de Amaranto
राजमा का पौधा (Rajma ka Paudha)Kidney Beans PlantPlanta de Frijoles Rojos
चवली का पौधा (Chavli ka Paudha)Yardlong Beans PlantPlanta de Judías de Metro Largo

Nightshade or Solanaceae Vegetables Names

टमाटर (Tamatar)TomatoTomate
आलू (Aloo)PotatoPapa
पपीता (Papita)PapayaPapaya
धतूरा (Dhatura)JimsonweedEstramonio
बैंगन (Baingan)AubergineBerenjena
आम कटहल (Aam Kathal)BreadfruitFruta de Pan
नींबू (Nimbu)LemonLimón
मकोय (Makoye)Black NightshadeSombra Nocturna Negra
लसोड़ा (Lasoda)Gac FruitFruta Gac
चेरी टमाटर, खट्टे मीठे टमाटर (Khatte Meethe Tamatar)Cherry TomatoTomate Cereza
मटर (Matar)PeasGuisantes
तमाखूँ (Tamaakhun)TobaccoTabaco

Vegetables Names in Pdf format

This worksheet of vegetables names in English can assist your kids in learning and identifying veggies. This will help your child recognize veggies and incorporate them into their regular routine.

All you have to do is download these worksheets for free by clicking on the button below and help your child learn and remember the names of vegetables in English.

Some MCQ on Vegetables Names for Student

Which of the following is a leafy green vegetable?
a) Carrot
b) Tomato
c) Spinach
d) Potato

Which vegetable is known for its high vitamin C content?
a) Broccoli
b) Onion
c) Cauliflower
d) Bell Pepper

Which vegetable belongs to the root vegetable category?
a) Cabbage
b) Beetroot
c) Cucumber
d) Lettuce

Which vegetable is commonly used to make pickles?
a) Radish
b) Eggplant
c) Zucchini
d) Pumpkin

Which vegetable is often used as a natural food coloring?
a) Carrot
b) Celery
c) Asparagus
d) Green Beans

Which vegetable is rich in iron and commonly used in salads?
a) Peas
b) Cabbage
c) Spinach
d) Cauliflower

Which vegetable is a member of the nightshade family?
a) Broccoli
b) Tomato
c) Corn
d) Peppers

Which vegetable is a good source of vitamin A and helps in improving vision?
a) Onion
b) Radish
c) Carrot
d) Cucumber

Which vegetable is used to make salsa and guacamole?
a) Avocado
b) Pumpkin
c) Kale
d) Brussels sprouts

Which vegetable is commonly used to make french fries?
a) Sweet Potato
b) Turnip
c) Eggplant
d) Zucchini


c) Spinach
d) Bell Pepper
b) Beetroot
a) Radish
a) Carrot
c) Spinach
b) Tomato
c) Carrot
a) Avocado
a) Sweet Potato

Vegetables Names MCQ for Student

Which vegetable is rich in vitamin K and is known for its crunchy texture?
a) Lettuce
b) Cabbage
c) Broccoli
d) Cauliflower

Which vegetable is a good source of dietary fiber and is often used in soups and stews?
a) Peas
b) Spinach
c) Brussels sprouts
d) Asparagus

Which vegetable is commonly used to make coleslaw?
a) Cucumber
b) Radish
c) Carrot
d) Cabbage

Which vegetable is considered a staple in many Asian cuisines and is often stir-fried or used in curries?
a) Eggplant
b) Zucchini
c) Bok choy
d) Bell pepper

Which vegetable is a member of the legume family and is known for its high protein content?
a) Corn
b) Green beans
c) Peas
d) Spinach

Which vegetable is rich in antioxidants and is often referred to as a superfood?
a) Kale
b) Pumpkin
c) Turnip
d) Radish

Which vegetable is commonly used as a base ingredient in salads and sandwiches?
a) Tomato
b) Eggplant
c) Celery
d) Cucumber

Which vegetable is known for its spicy flavor and is widely used in Mexican cuisine?
a) Bell pepper
b) Jalapeno
c) Carrot
d) Onion

Which vegetable is commonly used to make a popular Indian dish called "Baingan Bharta"?
a) Cauliflower
b) Tomato
c) Eggplant
d) Radish

Which vegetable is rich in vitamin C and is often used as a natural remedy for a common cold?
a) Spinach
b) Garlic
c) Onion
d) Broccoli

a) Lettuce
c) Brussels sprouts
d) Cabbage
c) Bok choy
c) Peas
a) Kale
d) Cucumber
b) Jalapeno
c) Eggplant
d) Broccoli

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